Question on how the general world simulation works

How detailed will the simulation aspect be? Will it fall to creatures as they strive to survive by hunting other creatures and plants to eat? Will it fall to plants and how and where they grow and spread and are harvested outside of a farm, or even in a farm? Or will it be fixed nodes?

9/7/2015 6:13:44 PM #1

Nothing will be fixed as far as I know of, there's a thread on this forum about one of your sentences.

"Will it fall to creatures as they strive to survive by hunting other creatures and plants to eat?"

I have found it, it is quite old, but it might be some in-sight information for you

9/7/2015 6:22:23 PM #2

No fixed nodes. Animals will exist within their own ecosystemm, and there will be a finite number of them. If you kill a wolf, that is one less wolf in the world.



9/9/2015 4:50:11 PM #3

But they reproduce right?
We could also kill all the other predators and have wolves overpopulate and need culling.
Will Survival skills help us with forestry and keeping animals from going extinct?

9/9/2015 4:56:40 PM #4

Elyrian Zoo & Arboretum open for business.

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9/9/2015 5:12:52 PM #5

Correct, they do reproduce.

Interesting question. I do believe we are going to cover that eventually in a Design Journal at some point.

