Male and female characters?

So, this is the first time that I've heard about this game, but it looks amazing. My question is when you make a character, can it also be a female?

11/4/2016 2:14:53 PM #1

They are working on the female model right now. They plan to allow you to marry and have NPC children in the game they can in turn be your heir when you die so your soul can be reborn.

They about all of this in their Dev Post :) highly recommend reading them :) they are highly informative.

Friend Code: 8EF50C | County of Raðljóst | Grand Duchy Erzhalden | Kingdom Vornair |

11/4/2016 2:38:19 PM #2

Thank you so much for the information! I'm completely new to all of this, but where can I find the Dev Post?

11/4/2016 2:48:21 PM #3

Friend Code: 8EF50C | County of Raðljóst | Grand Duchy Erzhalden | Kingdom Vornair |

11/4/2016 2:50:05 PM #4

Also under Menu -> Communuty -> Dev Journal is where they can be found as well :)

There is lots to read and still lots of questions even from me :)

Friend Code: 8EF50C | County of Raðljóst | Grand Duchy Erzhalden | Kingdom Vornair |