Negative kerning between forward slashes?

This isn't so much a bug with the site, as it is with the webfont being used, but I've noticed that the kerning between forward slashes is really messed up on both Chrome 54.0 and Firefox 43.01 (but not IE 11.0???) Every forward slash ends up being displayed one pixel to the left of the previous one. For example, if you give focus to the "reply" box and hold down forward slash, each one will show up directly before the rest, causing a really strange appearance:

slashes cover this up?/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Obviously a really minor bug, but I just thought it was weird and figured I'd bring it up since I've noticed it multiple times with people posting URLs (i.e.

12/10/2016 4:40:52 AM #1


12/10/2016 4:50:11 AM #2

For the record, this is what it looks like on my screen (click to zoom):
