Questions On Family

So what if I chose to be a ward then later on decided to marry a NPC/PC that happens to be in a family do I become a part of the family or what? Can you marry someone in a different family or is that not allowed?

12/11/2016 11:48:24 PM #1

Starting as a ward just means you don't start with a family of your own. You can still choose to marry and join a family.

Whether or not you take your new spouse's name is between you and them and is all spelled out in the marriage contract that you both will sign. It's not a generic contract, you can dictate the terms as you see fit.

Friend Code: B8ADDD

1/4/2017 10:39:19 PM #2

Do i need to have kids?

I'm going to a hunter in the woods. Selling pelts and meat.

1/6/2017 4:50:58 AM #3

You don't have to have kids, if you perma-die you can always just create a new character if you don't want to continue with an heir in the same family.

1/11/2017 7:54:22 AM #4

Even if you do have kids, you don't have to continue to play in that family. You could enter a different NPC. However, if you want to continue to be in your family, then there has to be another member in there somewhere you can jump into.