The Legends of Elyria

A long time ago when mann had just begin to spread out across Elyria, their existed a clan of mann that was known through out the land. They had an abundance of food and livestock. They owned the most beautiful lands that made all other groups envy them. Their warriors had no peer on the field of battle. This alone would make any outsider look at them in wonder, but they had something else that even words fail to describe. The chieftain of the clan had a daughter that was so beautiful that the lands would offer up crops as a gift to her. The clouds above would never cry down on to her. It was even said that the Qin, Ao was captivated by her beauty.

However, all fortune will eventually bring misfortune. The clan became plagued by a large Trison that harassed them from the woodlands. This was no ordinary Trison. It was said that it was so large that mountains moved for it, so fast that not even the winds could catch it, and so strong that no mann or animal could harm it.

The chieftain of the clan was growing old and had still not created a plan to get rid of the beast. In a final attempt to defeat the beast, he planned on taking out two birds with one stone. He sent out an announcement to all known clans and peoples of Elyria that any mann that could bring him the head of the legendary Trison would also receive the hand of his beautiful daughter.

Naturally, men and women from all over flocked to the challenge in order to win the maiden's hand. Their were many challengers, but only two stood out. The first man, was as large as a tree, and equally as wide. The man carried a massive of sword and spoke to the chieftain.

"I have no equal in battle and with this blade I will cleave the monster's head from his body in one swing!"

With this statement made, the man entered the forest. However, the man did not return.

Next, a woman stepped forward who carried with her a bow. It was said that if one blinked, the woman could cover one hundred yards in a single second. The woman announced proudly to the chieftain and the clan.

"The beast will never see me coming. I will bring the creature to its knees with a hail of arrows!"

Once again, the warrior entered the woodlands and once again, she never returned.

With the two strongest challengers gone, many men and women grew frightened and ran away. After twelve days, only one man remained. Unlike the challengers before him, their was nothing special about this man. He was not as strong as mountain, or swift as the wind. Be that as it may, he still stepped forward to the chieftain.

He bowed in front of the leader of the clan, and spoke quietly and with far less confidence than the warriors before him.

"Their is nothing special about me. I have no skills with a sword, or bow. However, I swear on my name. I will bring you the head of this beast. I simply need seven days. "

The chieftain was shocked by this statement seeing as no challenger had survived one day in the forest. Sadly, the chieftain allowed him to enter, believing he was sending the man to his death.

However, to the surprise of everyone, on the first day, the man returned with an empty sack. The next day he entered the forest with the same sack, once again filled. And like before, he returned. This same process continued for six days. On the seventh day, he entered one last time. The tribes people that day said it sounded like an earthquake radiating from forest that the beast had made its home. The people, at first, believed the beast had finally made a meal out of the last challenger. Instead, as the sun set on the final day. The tribe watched in pure wonder and awe as the mammoth Trison emerged from the woods, and sitting atop the beast was the challenger. The man rode the beast to stand in front of the chieftain.

He spoke proudly, "I have brought you not only the head of the beast, but the rest of him."

The man went on to explain how everyday for seven days he brought trison the finest foods that he could find. He would then accompany the creature for the rest of the day, doing his best to make friends with the beast. On the seventh day, he simply asked to ride the behemoth and the creature agreed.

The crowd cheered in jubilation, and the chieftain named the man his heir and gave him the hand of his daughter. Prosperity would once again come to the tribe, and the beast would never leave the man's side. This wanderer made chieftain would lead this tribe for the rest of his life, and his trison companion would make him untouchable on the field of battle.

Like said earlier, all things must come to an end. While the man succumbed to old age, the beast seemed to be immune to the illness known as time. Finally, the man took his final sleep. The trison would return to woods, which the man had found him in. However, he would never harass mann ever again.

To this day, people say you can hear the beast storm through the forest. Running as fast as the wind, and being as strong as the mountains. It's waiting for its next opponent...., or maybe for his next chosen rider.

**Author's Note: I encourage anyone and everyone to post their own legends, or tales from Elyria. Maybe, we can make something really cool, and truly unique.](

12/30/2016 11:04:50 AM #1

i truly loved the way you chose to write this, i admit i was not surprised by the story itself but the WAY you told the story captivated me, well done and hope you put out more, a beautiful "talent" :)

12/30/2016 11:35:47 AM #2

Thank you, Raider.

Count Lofi of Skaaney, friend code 8766AA

1/3/2017 8:49:06 PM #3

Interesting idea.