Lior Xanderfell

There was once a boy named Lior Xandarfell. He was raised a smith's son in the county of Stormforge. At a young age his father was out delivering a shipment of armor to a neighboring county when he was set upon by bandits. When his father hadn't returned on the day he was expected, Lior and his mother pleaded with the town guard to start a search. When they found him, he was badly beaten and was sporting a broken hand. The guards carried him back to town but when he arrived at the infirmary, he was informed that he would lose his hand due to infection. Unable to work the forge again, Lior's father could not support his family. Both of Lior's parents died that year just making sure he didnt starve. Lior is now of age to enlist in the guard. Where he will do his best to defend and serve the people of Stormforge.