The hero's reward

Ive been wondering for a while....what's the reward for being a hero? Now of course it can be profitable assuming you choose where and when to be a hero carefully analyzing risk/reward and get fame,glory, and rewards.....

However most situations in which heroes are needed a reward is not guaranteed and the risk vs reward is simply not in favor of attempting the task "oh that guy running at me, sword in hand, stole your gold, and your yelling at me to stop that guy? Not my problem until you make a bounty and I have a guaranteed chance of getting paid for stopping him."

It is my fear that there is simply not enough incentive to be a hero when it's too risky and not rewarding enough to be so. Or even more commonly you simply can't be bothered to attempt a tedious heroic act.

What I propose is a karma system In which people that perform any heroic act the game can detect will receive increased lifespan up to a certain point (say 150 years) after which if maintaining max lifespan and still performing heroic acts without dying or losing sprit while gaining surplus spirit from the heroes reward increase will result in story points that the player can then perchase a spark of life with. This of course being very difficult to do.

This concept will mirror criminals losing spirit when caught for their crimes vs heroes gaining spirit regardless if they take or get credit for the act.

Of course in order to prevent exploit it should only revolve around the justice system. Where a criminal loses spirit a hero will gain it. Aside from special cases of course.

Benefits :

The community in game will be a little more helpful and friendly. People will feel more incentive to be helpful and heroic even when it's not profitable to do so. And those same people will live a little longer within that community

Criminals will have a way to regain lossed spirit by being heroes making up for their past crimes.

1/16/2017 7:44:46 AM #1

I see your point but I can't see the problem. If you are a hero you don't need incentives to stop the guy with the sword who stole the money.

If you are a sellsword you will only pick the contracts that give you the amount of gold you consider enough for the task at hand. If you don't, somebody else will. If not, the quest giver will have to raise the reward until somebody is willing to do the job.

That beeing said: talking about heroic deeds and demanding proper payments in the same breath isn't very heroic ;-)

And I am strictly against an extended lifetime for heroic deeds. Heros usually don't grow very old if they don't stop being a hero at some point.

1/16/2017 7:45:05 AM #2

If you get the bad guy, you will make your home a safer place for one.

Secondly, he may well have a reward on his head from elsewhere.

Thirdly, you'll gain fame and story points, opening new opportunities.

Fourthly you'll get to feel good about taking down a bad guy.

Fifthly you'll increase the strength and supportive attitude of the local community. They see examples like that and they will join in. Your safety then increases too. Strength in numbers.

If heroic acts seem like hard work and aren't rewarded enough for you to bother with, then sorry - but you're no hero.

1/16/2017 7:49:42 AM #3

It sounds like you don't know what makes a hero. A hero doesn't do something because there is an incentive. A hero does something because it is the right thing to do. Especially when it is a selfless action.

And there is a reward for being a hero. You will gain the favor of the people.

Be a big enough hero and maybe you will get the favor of the nobility. Which will be useful if you want to move up the social ladder.

There will also be story points which might (or might not) tie into this. We don't know enough about story points at the moment though. People can use story points to buy a spark of life as well... Which kind of fits in with what you are trying to get at.

1/16/2017 8:52:48 AM #4

yes sorry to say i would have to agree it is not very heroic it seek befit...

your too much thinking of how normal MMOs view a hero... most RL heroes had limited or no wealth sure there have been heroic kings like the King of sparta in 300.... a true hero will give his life without a thought to personal gain... what did that king gain by standing against the Persians???? a whole heap of dead.... but his acts inspired the greek people to get up and FIGHT and fight they did.....

any every time SBS has been asked about this they have said they want true heroes to be heroic .... meaning that they have to be willing to Risk it all to be a true hero... no where in that did they offer payment

that being said a true hero currency is his Fame... true hero never had to buy there own drinks in a bar for example as people would always buy for them. this was not something a hero sought after but was a byproduct of there heroic acts...

hell the only thing that a hero may have used as reason for there heroic acts would be the earnest wish to become so famous and remembered throughout history.... (Achilles from Troy...)

also i would expect that that situation where some one was ruining towards you with sword and stolen loot would be actually a Quest in-game... and you just failed it because u were looking for a incentive....

member the game engine is designed to do these things in order to provide you with RL kinda events to make up your personal sorry...

Maybe that person has knowledge about your long lost aunt and you were meant to take him down and come across his connection to ur long lost aunt (IE he has your aunts broach around his neck... u would not notice this unless u tackled him...)

but this game is a game based on choices so because you chose not to be heroic you thus missed a interesting quest chain.. BUT THATS FINE it still part of the game and the game would just continue on. but it would just go a long way to prove your not the "ONE"

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1/16/2017 9:12:23 AM #5

okay to answer your question there is already a similar system in place tp address a similar thing.

basically players will earn "story points" based on the deeds they preform and will be rewarded with more based on how noble/famous/popular their character is as well as the significance of their action. this system will be used to allow risk takers who actively partake in the storys, a chance to redeem these points for "Sparks of Life" to gain a new reincarnation.

so it does benifit you to do good deeds or evil deeds. the difference being it is not a physical bonus, but a real life bonus.

one thing i am unsure about is whether they will use this system to allow people to spend story points in a mini shop, to buy materials or animals. this would avoid the "pay to win" aspects of a cash shop instead supplementing it with a "play to win" system. where the more you do, the more you earn.

we will have to wait and see, Caspian has said multiple time that he does not want a cash shop and will do anything he can to avoid it. "the moment we are forced to implement a cash shop, is the moment we have failed as developers." not an exact quote but i think it hits the mark.