Greetings, Narkari Fennec of Fennec Academy, I have a few questions for you today, the first being rather simple: Will the location in which you build be planned for a community college style setup: With portions for study of material, practical study work sites and an inn with the majority of the area used for grounds and decorative spacing such as an open lawn and carriage parking and stables, or will it be more geared towards a private institute setup: With a large central building for the main study and auditorium, several connected buildings for workshop classes, an inn for your feeding needs, towers, dormitories, gates and walls with carriage parking and stables outside of the walls?

Question number two: Given the nature of all schools, to prepare one for the working world, do you have any businesses in contract to you, other than from my own, to ensure that aside from being able to be self sufficient in crafting, that the participants will be constructive members of the kingdom with the valuable knowledge they will gain?