Kevin shook his head slowly from side to side, mesmerized now by the story the old woodcutter told him,

"He looked right through me. he did. And with a voice as deep as the woods he said the words that bring us here."

"I am Hubertus, Ritter Von Reh. Chief Warden and Justice of The Woods. My family have served for generations as the sword and shield for these lands. And you have My Lords kindness to thank for your very lives at this moment. I give you this night to gather your things. At the rise of the sun you will leave everything, but the clothes on your back and the tools you came into the woods with, and proceed with all haste His castle to beg for His mercy and make restitution for violating His lands. You will have until the sun sets to do this."

"And if we don't?. You forget stranger, there are ten of us and just one of you. What makes you think you can give us orders?"

Grabbing Kevin by the shoulders, Beric continued.

"Do you know what he said?"

Wide-eyed, Kevin only mouthed no.

"He told me to count again. To count again!"

"Didn't he Lars?"

"Aye" was all the tall man said, closing his eyes. "And we wasn't ten anymore, was we boss?"

It was now Berics turn to shake his head.

"So what did you do next?" The incredulous bartender asked him.

"What do you think?" He replied.

"We started packing."