A Page from Amicus' Grimoire.

From the Grimoire of Amicus Mourchaux.

  • Month of Rowan, fourth phase. -

Age... 35? Maybe? No idea at this point.

I used to want to protect the world. Now, I'm finding it hard to protect myself.

I took up the role of Guardian to act as a mediator and shield between the natural and supernatural of the world, but the majority has a tendency of ruling over and crushing down. When the Conclave of Aritaur, Vornair banished magick from the land, the ripple carried across many magical societies. At this point, it's hard to guard a bridge when both sides are cutting the ropes and smashing the supports.

Oh, I died, by the way. Without magick around, those old health issues kicked back up and I had the grave misfortune of having such an episode while taking a bath. Being a former sailor, it doesn't surprise me that my end would include drowning. Fate is fickle that way.

If it wasn't for a prior tethering spell back to the western realm, a friend's amulet, and my sticky fingers back in my younger days, I might not be... somewhat fully intact now.

I fear my luck is coming to a close, however. I don't know how mystic and non-mystic societies are dealing with each other now. There's so much distrust and there's always a dagger aimed for someone's back. I fear conflict between the natural and supernatural communities of Elyria is now completely inevitable.

Being his majesty's "Lord Guardian", perhaps I can help shape the kingdom of Tyria to be a safe haven for the supernatural. Maker knows, they need one.

As for me, I will do what I can, protect those I can, and learn. I've discovered and explored so much... Yet, there are times I still feel like that young guildmaster stepping onto Elyrian shores for the first time.

- Shmuck

2/16/2017 4:44:32 AM #1

Our King is in good hands with you at his back Lord Guardian

Friend Code: B8ADDD

2/16/2017 5:02:51 AM #2

Posted By ziggyspots at 11:44 PM - Wed Feb 15 2017

Our King is in good hands with you at his back Lord Guardian

I appreciate the kind words, Mayor Kataria.

- Shmuck