Imreius Sharizi's Journal: The Fall of Sharizi County

Imreius Sharizi's Journal

Renamed posthumously, "The Fall of Sharizi County" by his great-great granddaughter, Kitlandria Bokest.

OOC Notes: One. The writing style will change slightly throughout this as Imreius ages. At 12, 15, and even 18, he is well educated, but not so poetic or organized! Please bear with the transitions!

This journal takes place a minimum of about 170 years prior to CoE and therefore about 80 before KoE. Imreius is the great-great grandfather of my characters Kitlandria and Ariadne. This journal is strictly for pleasure. The contents within do not represent public knowledge about the Sharizi/Bokest bloodline and may not be used in RP without explicit permission. The only person to have ever read this journal IC is Kitlandria, as Imreius contained her soul. If you are interested in being a part of the rebirth of Sharizi culture, please feel free to get in touch with me!

Forward by Kitlandria Bokest

Dear Reader,

My great-great grandfather, Imreius Sutorius Sharizi, left this volume behind when his time was coming to an end. Knowing at that stage he still had enemies, Imreius hid this journal, the last written chronicle of Sharizi culture. No one still living at that time was aware of its hiding place.

Secreted away, the only reason this journal has been rediscovered is because I have inherited Imreius Sharizi’s soul, bringing back the memories of the Sharizi line and its rich cultural heritage. It is my goal to bring back the Sharizi’s refined and elegant ways, making them accessible to gentry and Nobility alike.

It is my hope to bring the Conclave of Araitaur, and perhaps one day the Kingdom of Vornair itself, into a new era of erudite refinement, This is only the first of many steps. May you enjoy the chronicles herein of a life and land lost far too early.

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

2/21/2017 2:05:39 AM #1

January 21st (Age 12)

Today is my 12th birthday. Father gave me a journal to write in, but he gave it to me last night, just in case. I guess I should explain what that means. It is tradition in the Sharizi family to record our thoughts and feelings so we can look back on our growth as we age - and we start doing this on our 12th birthday because it is then we might first come into touch with a soul - our soul, I guess.

Although I’ve known about this concept since I was but a small child, the idea that I am soon to come, if ever I will, into a soul is… Well, it’s fascinating. As my tutor explained growing up, not everyone will come into contact with a soul. Some people will live their whole life without a true purpose. But some - and these are the people with true power in the world, chosen to contain within them a level of drive otherwise unseen - receive a soul. It is is a spark of inspiration that some do not get to experience. Once one lives life with a soul inside them, they cannot go back. Without that soul, they will die.

Since our belief is that souls can be reborn from the Akashic Records into a new body down the ancestral line, we accordingly believe that it is important to leave written recollections of each life. With these, our future incarnations can read of their lives past. Obviously, the memories are contained within the soul, but all people lose memories as they age. The concept of written records helps preserve the purity of each lifetime so that there is little room for murkiness around the most defining details of previous lives.

As the Sharizi family says, “All knowledge is worth having.”

We keep these journals in the Estate library upon our passing. That way, when we come back in our next lifetime, we can access the records if we remember precisely who we were. We have an esteemed position within our ranks known simply as the Linagee, an individual who reads the journals and keeps up to record of all the past lives lived. A person may need to consult with the Linagee to try and figure out who they may have been if their memories are corrupted or fuzzy.

Anyway, I guess there is not much of a point in describing me yet because I don’t feel any different today than I did yesterday. I don’t think I have a soul yet. I’ll write more later if anything changes.

-Imreius Sutorius Sharizi, Son of Count Sercius Sharizi

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

2/21/2017 10:56:07 PM #2

January 22nd (Age 15)

It happened. Yesterday was my fifteenth birthday and today I feel… I feel new. I woke to find things quite normal. I went down to breakfast with Cassius and we had our morning sparring match. As a side note, we do not have an emphasis on combat arts in Sharizi, but since I am the Count’s son, it is deemed important I be able to defend myself.

Cassius and I had stopped for lunch. Then, we went in to do afternoon prayers before our literature lessons with our tutor. As I sat on my cushion before the altar, my head bowed in deference, I felt a sort of sparking in the base of my spine - a warmth that spread upward through my vertebrae and to the back of my skull. A shudder coursed through me, and all my skin prickled with gooseflesh. Then, I felt a tug. I stood, turning to Cassius, and my eyes went wide. His eyes were equally as surprised.

From seemingly nothing sprang a deep and unexpected need to be bigger. To do more. To fulfil my destiny. What was my destiny? Question upon question began to fill my mind until I had to lift my hands to cup my temples. They are still running their course through my thoughts.

Cassius at once could see something was different, and he jumped up, coming over to my side. Cassius... He is like a dear brother to me, even though he is my Serva. But, more on that later.

He stepped out of line, perhaps, but he caught me by the shoulders as I stumbled forward and held me for a long moment as I tried to grapple with what was happening to me.

Then, I ran to the Library. The Linagee was there, as they always are. The current Linagee is a womann of about seventy-five or eighty with well worn lines in her face. Her current apprentice is about twenty, and will be ready to step in at her passing. But, Linagee Toryn was there, sitting at her desk pouring over a volume when I sprang through the door.

"I have a soul!" I cried, my eyes unexpected brimming with tears.

Cassius tensed behind me. I had not yet told him the truth of what had happened.

The Linagee stood, her old body wobbling slightly. The excitement was written upon her face. "So you have!" she cried, and her eyes were wet too. "Have any memories come to you?"

No. They had not. I shook my head. Not a single image of a life gone by had presented itself, but I knew I was... changed. New. Whole.

"Mmm. So you are a new spark, then. A once born."

To us, the term once born was not so much an insult as in many other cultures. It was an opportunity. I brimmed over with excitement, and I admit that many more tears came to my eyes.

"So tell me," Linagee Toryn said, motioning for me to sit down, "What are you driven to do?"

I sat in the armchair across from her desk. Cassius stood behind me, one arms length away.

"I feel like I'm meant to... To spread the ways of my people. To bring the arts, the traditions, the rituals, the prayers, the lessons... Everything that the Sharizi have to offer. I'm to bring them to the world. To... To be an ambassador of sorts, but not quite... I..."

The words were pouring out of me, and Linagee Toryn laughed softly, not mocking, but delighted.

"I see. So, the walls of Sharizi shall come down on your path, hmm? You shall take our offerings out into the world, far from home."

It was a strange sentiment, but it felt right. I nodded.

"Well... With this information, I suppose your line of studies may need to be changed. And we should hope your father lives a good long life so you can travel before you take over the County."

Taking over the County. That is a prospect I am still struggling with. Am I fit to be a ruler? To oversee towns and cities? I suppose only time will tell. For now, I'm exhausted with the excitement. I want to write more, but I ought to sleep. More soon.


Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

2/23/2017 2:26:45 AM #3

February 3rd (Age 15)

Let me go back to the beginning. I’ve given absolutely no indication of who I am or what my life is like, meaning that I’m failing at the core purpose of this journal. Given my soul’s apparent purpose is to spread our culture, I suppose it makes sense to start at the beginning and explain it to myself in full. Perhaps one day I will go back and re-write these volumes to publish.

I’m sorry in advance to my future self because while I am well educated, I am only fifteen and I know my writing probably lacks some finesse. I’ll do my best.

So, what would I share with people who wanted to learn of the Sharizi ways? Well…


As a bloodline, the Sharizi are known for our particular looks of blue-black hair and brilliant blue or violet eyes. We often go so far as to marry in others that look similar in order to keep ourselves within a certain aesthetic, this is of course, dependent on one of our three mantras: Love as you will. In other words, regardless of how one looks, if we love them, then we will be with with them. Still, its peculiar, but more often than not it seems we fall for those with such looks (not that I know anything of love at my age).

While we come from a Tribe of Mann that is wel lknown for their skills in battle, the Sharizi have no interest in such things. No - our County is prized as a pinnacle of culture, grace, and mysticism. People that travel to Sharizi lands do so for a magical experience of exquisite food and wine, the scent of lavender, our lavish decor, and our masterful storytelling. While we do have some soldiers, and I myself am trained in combat arts, our whole society is far more based on the principles of love, knowledge, and the sacredness of every person.

Balance & the Domine-Serva Bond

Before I can go much further, I have to explain the foundation on which our society is built. We believe strongly in balance and aim for it in all we do: Balance of mind, body, and heart for example. Furthermore, we believe there are two types of people: those who serve and those who are served. In our society, we call these the Serva and the Domine.

If you think back throughout history, there are those who lead and those who follow. In some cases, and these are quite terrible, people in other cultures have been forced into servitude or even slavery.

In Sharizi society, we believe every mann has the right to the life they want to live.

Some want to lead and direct. They want to mold and shape the world with their hands. They want to guard the weak. These are the Domine.

Others want to live a relaxed life of few questions. They want to be told what to do and what is needed of them. They long to please and be seen and respected. These are the Serva.

Here, no one is forced into any one role, especially not service. We do not believe anyone's right to chose should ever be taken away, But, we still firmly believe people are predominantly one or the other.

The Sharizi hire and prize their servants, giving them the honored title of Serva. Most Servas in their lifetime will just take on the roles of workers, waitstaff, farmers, soldiers, and so on. Servas serve everyone - not just the Domine. They are the power behind life. The energy.

The Domine are the driving force. They are what harnesses all that energy and put it towards purpose. Thus, balance is achieved as Serva and Domine work together.

Not everyone in society is officially titled a Serva or Domine. But - Domines, genuine Domines - are assigned a Serva who will watch over them and attend to their every need. This is a sort of life bond.

Domines tend to be leaders and influential people in society - the ones making changes on a big scale. But, sometimes people, even born into a noble family, have a desire to be a Serva rather than a Domine. Basically, everyone's wishes are respected here, and no one is ever, ever forced into a role they do not like. But, I probably already said that.

Those that do not fall into the Domine category may still be served by Servas - they’re just not assigned one as a companion. Servas are people that love nothing more than to be of service to and give to others. That does not mean they do not live lives of luxury and pleasure. It simply means that their core purpose is to be subservient. They relish in the opportunity to do what needs to be done.

A serva, once assigned to a Domine, is theirs for the rest of their life, unless they chose to break the contract. There are contracts signed at the time a Serva wills themselves into service and there are stipulations to said contract. Ultimately, if one is truly not happy, they can be let go - but they shall never be a Serva again.

It is a special bond that a true Domine and Serva share - one unlike anything else I can imagine. It is second only to the deepest bond: the Soul Sharing.

Cassius is my Serva. But, more on him later. He deserves his own entry.


The importance of the number three is seen throughout our society. AS I’ve just mentioned, love, knowledge, and the sacredness of every person are our core principles. This is reflected in our three mantras. I’ve already mentioned Love as you will. The others are: The body is a sacred vessel, and All knowledge is worth having. This reflects on our triad of body, mind, and heart/Soul.

the number three itself is sacred to us, and the idea of mind, body, and heart (or soul) is particularly important. Everything we do can be related back in some way to balancing these systems. We’ve the three mantras, the three systems, and the three elements (earth, air, and water). Then, we’ve little life sayings or lessons such as: The three primary forms of singing: poetry, recitation, and singing with the harp.


As I have briefly mentioned, the Sharizi absolutely adore mysticism, particularly ritual and divination. We have an oracle system using a special deck of cards to read into possible futures. Only certain people are allowed to learn this art. Those are Domines of the noble line, Priests, Priestesses, the Linagee, and some Servas. I don’t have any training in this yet, so i can’t really talk about it much.

Symbolism and heraldry

Our county’s sacred symbols are the key, lavender, and the raven feather.

The feather represents the Serva and the body being a symbol of willful obedience and serenity of mind. The Serva are brought true serenity through their willingness to serve and be obedient to the Domine.

The key represents the Domine and the mind. Keys are symbolic of knowledge, that which the Sharizi seek above all else, but also of guardianship and dominion. The Domine ensure their Serva are safe and content, just as much as the Serva give back in return.

The Lavender, a type of flower, is our sacred herb. It represents the heart or soul and the emotion of joy. It is seen as a symbol of the purity of love, serenity, and visions. It is highly prized by our priests and priestesses, used as a cleanser, and often found in many of our most favored dishes.


We do not believe everyone will come into contact with a soul, but regardless, we treat everyone fairly and equitably. Heart and soul are thus combined when we speak of our three systems because the soul and heart’s purpose are often as one, and those without a soul still love and have their own passions. It is just that some are without a drive that pulls through the astral plane.

We take the idea of reincarnation very seriously, and people are often given journals as 12 year olds in case they come in touch with a soul. That way, we can write down our memories to keep in the Library after our passing. I wrote about that a little bit earlier in my journal, so I won’t say too much more.

The Linagee is the special scholar who studies the journals of those passed. In case a where a soul resurfaces and wants to remember the full details of their pasts, they can meet with the Linagee who will give them their full history. It is a highly revered position in our society and one that people compete for fiercely.

As the Linagee and I agreed, I have no soul history so far, so… I’m a new spark, a once born. This means I have a blank canvas, so to speak, for this energy I now contain. I can become anything! It also means I have not yet met who I will someday share my soul with… And that’s an exciting and nerve shattering prospect!

Marriage & Soul Sharing

Marriage is seen as the most intensely important ceremony that one can go through within Sharizi society - even more important than the birth of a child. There is a great deal of fanfare around the decision to be wed and the weddings themselves. First, a couple announces their wish to be joined. That day, they sit down with one of the mystical diviners, who performs a ritualistic oracle reading using a beautiful and ancient deck of cards. If that is deemed a positive reading (which in cases of true love it always is) then, there is a period of handfasting.

The handfasting is the first of intense events - the couple is physically bound together for one night and the bounds removed the following morning. Then, they live together for one year, unmarried, but living as if they are.

After the year, if they still feel that same love, they spend three days in thought about whether or not they want to get married and soul share (if they possess souls). Soul sharing is the ultimate form of love within our society for those who possess souls which I will write more about in a moment. The three days of thinking represents the mind.

After the three days of contemplation, they have three days to plan. This represents the body - the physical planning. Most couples will have talked about their ideal wedding long before now, and people will have known it is likely to come, so some prior arrangements may have been made. On the third day of this phase, everything is set up and ready to go for the final trio of days.

The first of the last trio is a day where gifts are brought to the couple to be married. The second day, the ceremony is performed, which lasts three hours and is an incredible event, ending in a great feast. The last of the three days is a secretive one. It is said that only our high priests and priestesses know exactly what happens, but it is here that soul binding takes place, if it does. Without souls, there is a more bodily representation of the union. I have seen matching tattoos on several couples who I suspect are without souls.

Otherwise, there is the secret ritual called the Binding. It is, I have heard, quite beautiful and lifetimes altering. Once it is done, supposedly it cannot be undone. The sacred foreverness is something that must never be taken lightly. This ritual binds two souls together permanently so that even in another lifetime, the two can find one another again with ease. It is a love that can last eternity.

Gender & Sexual Equality

Menn and womenn are considered equal and although the Sharizi line seems particularly adept at producing male heirs, a female is never shunned or thought of as any less. Some people who experience a sense of genderlessness or gender-fluidity are respected by their own individual identities, and sexuality is considered a blessed treasure of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, to be treated with respect. Many are open in their preferences and it is not at all uncommon for people to date the same and different genders.

Overall, what is most important in Sharizi society is:

The balance of Domine and Serva, or dominant and submissive. The trinity of body, mind, and heart/soul. The number three in many forms, including sacred triad lessons. Knowledge, Love, and Peace. Mysticism and ritual. Equity and people doing what they love.

Okay. Wow. I wrote a lot more than I expected. But, this should be a good start for myself… A guide as I move forward.


Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

3/8/2017 4:04:08 PM #4

February 23 (Age 15)

Who am I?

My name is Imreius Sutorius Sharizi. As I write this, I am fifteen years of age. I am the son of Count Sercius Sharizi and Lafanti (maiden name moore) Sharizi. My father is the sixth in line since the establishment of the county of Sharizi, therefore I shall be the seventh count upon my his eventual death.

I must confess, for in sharing within these pages I am admitting to my future incarnations - I am not eager to become count. While I am a Domine and know I have leadership qualities, I have no desire to oversee a whole people. To collect taxes. To hold grand meetings of business and affairs. That all sounds dreadfully boring and a little overwhelming. Perhaps as I grow older, I shall learn to see the value in it, but at the moment I simply cannot.

Anyway -- I’m still awful about getting off topic, am I not?

I am an only child. My mother has been barren since my birth though they have tried for a new sibling endlessly. For this reason, it has been exceptionally important that I be trained in pretty much everything - History, Religion, Culture, Sword arts, Leadership, Fashion, and Etiquette. And that is just to name a few. In truth, I have to learn more things than I would like or find strictly necessary given my own internal goals. Becoming a Count, however, makes subjects like Land Management, Taxation, and Law necessary and I find those dreadfully dull.

If i had the choice, I’d likely focus on the arts of tailoring, etiquette, and leadership - but, I would not groom myself to be a Count. I would groom myself to host grand galas, extravagant feasts, and parties that could be considered the best in all the Kingdom.

I would be Imreius the Visionary or Imreius the Exquisite. I would court all the lads and ladies until I found the perfect husband or wife. I’d bring about a new era of Servas. Their fashion would be top of the line (not that it is not already), setting the latest trends for every profession. I would dazzle audiences with my ability to orate. I would captivate Servas with my subtle, yet undeniably Domine ways. Undoubtedly, it would be grand. Undoubtedly, it is not my future.

So, I must ponder - Could the county change under my watch? Could we become even more full of life and culture than we are now?

I so wish I could do away with war. Although I find admirable qualities in battle, almost like a ballet of bodies in conflict, it is the bloodshed that I do not love. I wish to live in a world where no one must die before they have lived the full life they want to live. Oh certainly, it's necessary to some degree, but I simply wish that it were not - that we could live in a long reign of peace.

On a side note - There is great beauty in the artistry of dual wielding weapons. It is my favored style of those i have trained in for its fluid movements, its intimacy, and balance. The small dagger slips through the air while the sword dives and dips in dance. I spin, dodge, and weave a web of invisible strikes through the air. Cassius is who I spar with the must, and he is a most excellent match.

My mother and father are fine people. I do not spend much time with them personally since they’re Count and Countess, but they are good examples. My mother, in particular, inspires me for she is an idol of high fashion. I get my looks from her, I think.

Anyway, now that I’m looking back over this, I find it’s terribly disjointed. Perhaps I need to set to studying my writing composition a bit more. I’ll talk to my tutor.

For now, -Imreius

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!