So, to get my medieval fix while waiting for COE, I began playing FOR HONOR. Just thinking about using my guide on here to gain friendship and play some events together. Any thoughts from peanut gallery??

3/15/2017 4:51:28 AM #1

I'm a peanut gallery! I would love to play with you or anyone else from this community. My uplay name is, TheeLucy

3/15/2017 6:26:23 AM #2

Would be nice for a similar combat system to make its way into an MMO like Chronicles of Elyria.

3/15/2017 7:26:39 AM #3

Tried it. Bored with an hour. It's got nice graphics but zero long term appeal. Think of it like star wars battlefront but with all the range and cool weapons taken out. Doesn't leave much gameplay.

If you like fighting but want other gameplay, look up a title like Mordor Shadow of War.

Elyria would be preferable ofc lol

3/15/2017 12:42:12 PM #4

Posted By Adriac1993 at 02:26 AM - Wed Mar 15 2017

Would be nice for a similar combat system to make its way into an MMO like Chronicles of Elyria.

Why? For honor is clunky as fuck , was literally made for Xbox and not pc , and even as a full heavy warrior you are just as clunky as a fast moving samurai . That game is a mess and I wouldn't wish its combat system on my worst enemy .

No no no , COE needs something far more simple . Look at Mortal Onlines directional based attack and parry system and that's exactly what coe needs . FH Is just a stance changing simulator and it makes combat look so damn cheesy , everyone changing their stance a million times over to trick their attacker ; its stupid and unrealistic looking !