world development.

In COE 1 of the main aspects of the game is that your character grows old and dies. For that to feel real time has to be simulated to where it feels like days, months, and years are passing not only when it comes to your character but also the world. As years go by in COE you'd expect to see things change. New building methods, new technology, new ways of managing civilizations, my question is will COE allow for the development of new technology? Will there be visible progress in how people live and manage civilizations or will we be stuck in a medieval style world forever?

3/28/2017 3:07:30 AM #1

Considering it almost looked like you copied and pasted most of that, I'm surprised you don't know.

There's a 10-year-plan where the game's technology will slowly develop. No specifics were given, but we MIGHT see arquebi by the final year, or at least almost be there technologically.

3/28/2017 3:08:18 AM #2


3/28/2017 3:19:49 AM #3

I didn't copy and paste anything. All my words come from me. BTW what is arquebi?

3/28/2017 3:27:23 AM #4

Posted By Anewstart at 10:19 PM - Mon Mar 27 2017

I didn't copy and paste anything. All my words come from me. BTW what is arquebi?

An arquebus is a very basic gun, used in the renaissance. Usually wouldn't have a stock and was on a bipod or something similar. If you've ever played Final Fantasy XII, those are the guns in that game.


3/28/2017 3:53:23 AM #5

Ah got cool glad we won't be stuck in a stagnate world

3/28/2017 7:26:27 AM #6

Correct. Research is performed by expending addition resources while practicing a skill, and the devs have stated that they will make new assets and items depending on what areas the players focus research on.

3/28/2017 9:00:41 AM #7

The development of research and technology is a huge part of the game that many of us will be devoting time to. The fun thing is that it's not a railroaded advancement. What we discover is what we put energy into learning about.

For example, we could fly ahead in terms of metallurgy but not advance far in architecture because that is what the players were focused on. To top it off, each server will be tracked separately, so as time goes on their advancements will diverge further from each other.

3/28/2017 12:58:13 PM #8

defintily sounds like fun

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