Limitations on OPC's capabilities?

I'm aware that OPC's are going to be limited in the ways that they won't be able to be used for the advancement of player skills such as crafting, and they also won't be allowed to be used in ways that act as a crutch for the players potential inability, such as a 'go home' script. What I'm wondering with that is; what limitations will be placed upon the OPC's ability to make decisions? In the past it was stated that the OPC wouldn't be allowed to 'go home', but they would be able to, for example, 'scan the west' and then move in accordance to the information gathered. Does this mean we could create a script allowing for an opc to scan a direction for a player, move in the direction that they are, and act combatively towards any exterior entities that attack them, essentially making a bodyguard script? I would imagine programmers and scripters are bound to think beyond anticipated limitations, so where will the devs be drawing the line on how much a script can do? Could someone record their movements, and then use a script to then backtrack said movements, creating a long winded 'go home' script? I guess my overall question is if someone creates a way to push the boundaries for how much an OPC is capable of, will the devs a stop it?

4/6/2017 1:35:05 AM #1

There has not been much information released covering the topic of scripting and OPC capabilities. It has been said that there will be basic scripting provided to cover basic abilities (eat, drink, move, ect.) and it will be left to the community to come up with more advanced scripting that can be shared. They did also say be sure that you trust the one creating the script as you don't want the script handing over your fortune to the creator while you sleep.

They have mentioned there will be a scrip for "go home" with limitations, such as a distance restriction. If you are in the city I don't see any problem in going home to your farm just outside the gates. However an explorer that is, say, a full day away may have a more difficult path back home.

I am not a programmer though some on the boards are. I see some sites popping up and individuals offering services that will do a custom scripting upon demand if asked. So we will have to wait and see for more information on scripting and applications.

"Count Eldric Blackmoore of The Haven, offering direct support for the Hunters, Explorers and Gathers of Elyria" the

4/6/2017 3:00:48 AM #2

I really can't see why they would limit the OPC script. I thought you could do crafting with it, you just couldn't go up in skills. Which seems fine to me, if you have a large work order and can't be online for a few days. Good to be able to see finish it. Seems stupid if you can't do that really.

Same with the "go home" script. Heard you can do that, assuming you can follow some path to go back on. You can't use a script to make you go home through areas you have not explored, at least going off some thread where people were talking about it the other day.

I be wondering, how would SBS even know a scripted is being pushed too far? Since a player won't be able to tell straight off the bat, that person is a player and may think it's just an NPC.

Even within all that, SBS would have to go into a bloody lot of detail saying everything that can't be done. Which really isn't going to work anyway. People will see how much they can get away with. It be a question of how hard they would come down on someone. Over how to limit it.

4/6/2017 11:02:33 AM #3

When writing this I was thinking back on when WoW implemented a scripting system, and then later restricted a number of functions in order to prevent programmatic decision making, which resulted in some.. noteable anger issues from the scripting community. That's the kind of limitations I had in mind. From what I can tell it seems that their limitation is 'doesn't do something the player can't'. Which seems fair.