Using Talents to trigger Permadeath (and or preventing it)

So I've been going over talents a bit and I started thinking about how talents might be used to cause permadeath to other characters.

I only really thought of two hypothetical examples with the current list of talents but the first, and most interesting had to do with the water breathing talent.

We know that if a person drowns in the sea they suffer from permadeath since there is no way to get the body back right?

Well what if I had the water breathing talent and I knocked out or killed some one then tied them up and dragged their limp body out into the middle of kraken territory (deep water) and simply left their body at the bottom of the ocean?

Could this result in permadeath of that character? I realize that the way it's been mentioned the character needs to "drowned" (as opposed to dying on land and being dragged down to Davy Jones locker after already begin dead ) to incur permadeath and that people will likely be able to come back at a safe distances from their body after spirit walking but if their body is at the bottom of mariana trench is there really any coming back from that?

On an opposite (and more intriguing note) could someone with the water breathing talent prevent permadeath from drowning at sea? I realize that permadeath results by drowning at sea because you are too far away/unable to get your body back but what if they allowed you an hour or so before permadeath kicked in an someone with water breathing was actually able to find your body and drag it back onto land? Regardless of how difficult that might be. Don't you think that would be a unique and enjoyable facet of the talent?

The only other permadeath inducing talen I could really think of was maybe Planes Walking. We don't know much about the mechanics yet but what if you were able to distract or physically bar a person from returning to their body? We know that spending too much time on the other side will result in permadeath but don't really know how any of it works yet.

What do you guys think? Any other potentially (perma)deadly aspects of talents you can think of ?

4/18/2017 11:04:02 PM #1

So you're mainly worried about someone with a water breathing talent putting in a massive amount of effort into griefing people... killing them, dragging their bodies for who knows how long, while starving and getting dehydrated, risking their own lives to permadeath from predators... just to be an ass?

I dunno man. Seems like you're bending over backwards to conjure a hypothetical scenario of someone out there in the world looking to permadeath people. In almost all cases they won't perma-die any way. Once you spirit walk back to near your body, you appear in the nearby area... like the top of the ocean for instance. This is all apart of story telling any way. A mass murderer with a talent to match isn't impossible to avoid. In these scenarios you're making you're always the victim. It's not impossible to crossbow these guys between the eyes when they try it.

Obviously fireballs are a potentially lethal talent. But you could do this all day.. trying to figure out what could be exploited to cost people money... only to find out that using these powers costs them their own Soul, plus the massive cost for killing someone.

4/18/2017 11:28:20 PM #2

Moving people against their will doesn't really happen in this game.

You can't detain and drag people away unless you have a bounty token and are "heading in the direction of jail". (Even this mechanic, in my opinion, is probably going to get scrapped or revised but that's a different topic)

Spirit walking has been described as primarily an aesthetic for the experience of near death. It requires no skill and you can't fail it unless you choose to do something besides walk in a line. There's never been any evidence to suggest that other players can prevent this from happening -- probably because it would be complete bullshit if they could.

4/19/2017 12:27:09 AM #3

I was under the impression that spirit walking would be timed based on your remaining spirit, and the cord connecting you to your body would be brighter or fainter based on your character's age. So you would be able to fail, resulting in permadeath.

Shieldwall Strong!

4/19/2017 12:44:42 AM #4

I believe if a perma-death caused by griefing... or somehow under the scenarios you have brought en up could just be reversed after talking to a moderator. Besides the staff wouldn't let a brand new player get perma-death to a griefer.

5/12/2017 11:04:07 PM #5

there's a talent called spirit walking, think astral projecting. i assumed it was for helping out those that are dead to find their body quicker.