House Daemos is now formally recruiting those who fit the description of a Daemos: Ambitious, Loyal to those who proove themselves worthy opposed to blind obedience to rule, Cynical, Proud to be socially abnormal.

Overall we will be political puppeteers to achive various tasks. Such as ensuring that Elyria survives the full 10 year story line.

Heirs are always locked, spouses locked or in event of PC-PC marriage, contracted to be non-Daemos heirs unless soul bound to the spouse (In which case, indoctrinated). Simply put: You + NPC = Locked spouse + Daemos heir You + Stranger = Non-Daemos heir You + Friend = Daemos Heir + New Daemos

AS A DAEMOS you are not obligated to give material assistance to ANY OTHER DAEMOS, you are not obligated to give loyalty and trust to ANYONE who does not earn it. Joining the Daemos family comes with Two benefits: RP immortalization of your own mind so you can play one character in dozens-hundreds of bodies AFTER the prior body's death (You are your soul), And access to in game family bonuses along with conversation with those who may be capable of getting your aspirations a leg up in exchange for a leg up later, or cashing in a favor. Loyalty to the crown as a governing body is not demanded, but unerring loyalty to individuals who earn it is.