Drescuri Academy

Description document:


The Drescuri academy is an institution of learning, sharing and research within the kingdom of Riftwood.

The Academy will span the kingdom of Riftwood in the form of colleges and universities that each have a unique specialization. These colleges and universities serve all educational purposes, from teaching a new soul the basics of life in Elyria, to advanced topics and advanced research facilities.

What sets the Drescuri academy apart is the duchy and kingdom support and funding that it will receive, the freedom that it offers to both students and researchers, and quite notably, the University's program of bringing in researchers from dedicated colleges, all expenses paid, to teach in the University for a time, in order to give students a wide range of opportunities, while maintaining the specialty at the colleges for efficient research and instruction.

Furthermore, there will be incentives to join, such as scholarships based on ability and dedication, or even references.

The Academy also allows individuals to demonstrate ability in exchange for certification, which can help you get contracts, to prove you can do what you say you can do.

NOTE: Drescuri academy is a working title, based off the fact that the headquarters are in the duchy of Drescuri in Riftwood.

If you'd like to know more, please feel free to read the full document, or drop by the discord and we can chat.

6/19/2017 8:55:28 PM #1

I really like this idea!

6/25/2017 12:09:05 PM #2

Please specify which server-specific forum this should be moved to.

This general recruitment forum will be closed in time.

FWIW, I was KS Backer #21 and wanted nothing but the best for this game.

6/27/2017 3:13:32 PM #3

Riftwood is NA-E :D job done :D