The voyage of Brianna the brave

“Bring me her head!”, the king stood up and screamed out in anger.

“I don’t care if the head is attached to her body or not!”, the king continued while turning towards his throne. After a moment of quiet, the king then said: “On second thought…, bring me that witch alive. I want to deal with her myself.”

[Meanwhile, in another place of the world]

I woke up on in a small clearing.

Where was I? Somewhere in a forest, was the obvious answer. Still, I didn’t recognize this place.

I stood up and looked around me. I could see a mountain, in the not too distant distance, in one direction. In the opposite direction I could hear a stream.

I could not be in my home region, we don’t have any mountains that big. And the trees here where both white and black and had leaves that looked almost fragile. Suddenly I heard a voice saying: “Soon. Soon.” I realized what this was about, and with that thought I woke up in my bed.

My mother, who was already awake, per usual, noticed I woke up hastily and asked: “Did you a bad dream, Brianna?”.

I shook my head and replied: “No, not a bad dream. A 'truth dream', at least I think it was a ‘truth dream’.”

My mother’s eyes got bigger and she asked: “What was it about?”

"Well, I was in some clearing, where the trees where striped with white and black, with a mountain much bigger than anyone I have seen before. And I heard a voice, just like you told me one could usually hear in a ‘truth dream’. It said: 'Soon. Soon.' "

My mother’s expression turned from eager and interested to something closer to the expression she makes when she is worried about something. When she saw my questioned face, she realized she was not hiding her worry well enough.

She then turned back to her usual smile and then said: “Sounds like a beautiful place to dream of. Just remember that ‘truth dreams’ always have a degree of how true they will become, so don’t trust them too much. Okay?”

I nodded and gave her a little smile back.

My mother then went back to the pot that was being heated over the fire.

“I made you porride”, she said. I happily got up from my bed. Even reheated leftovers from the day before could taste good, at least when my mother had made it.
While eating, I still had that dream in my head. I could feel that place was important somehow, just not in what way it was important. Maybe my mother was right, maybe I shouldn't think about it too much. Besides, today I had other things to focus on.

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” /Neil Gaiman

"Be good. That way you can inspire others to be good too. If not anything else, you have been good and that is one more person than it would have been without you." (My own)