[Nominations] Beasts of Elyria!

Hello Elyrians!

At the moment, I'm writing an article for the upcoming issue of The Herald Review, but I need a bit of your input!

SBS has shown us that Elyria is home to some fantastical animals, ranging from the extinct real world animals like the Dryas Elk (mirroring the Irish Elk), normal animals with interesting adaptations like the Domino Fox, and chimera-esque creations like the Pteroguin.

There's a lot of freedom in what constitute's Elyria's biodiversity and I'd like to know what you want to see roaming the world! So please, Elyrians, post your nominations!

Ideas that are interesting or receive good feedback will be added to a poll opening on July 27th!


Best Wishes & Kind Regards To All Who Traverse Elyria,

Ninian Adaline Lune'Ciel

7/19/2017 4:53:48 PM #1

I want a bunch of super sized animals.

Giant insects with hives that rival cities/counties.
Giant reptiles (think basilisk from Harry potter...)
Bring back some prehistoric creatures (dinosaurs/ice age fauna)
IDK if the ocean will really be usable in the beginning, but there are a lot sea creatures that would be interesting (Plesiosauria and Kronosaurus)

Friend Code: 1BD8F6

7/19/2017 5:07:32 PM #2

Meowls, definately 100% meowls.

"Pledged to the betterment of the Studio and CoE through realistic, open, honest communication about what players can and will do with the mechanics you give them."

Come follow me on Twitch for CoE News and general hangout stuff n things!

7/19/2017 5:17:11 PM #3

Any mytological/fantasy creature such as seamonsters, mermaids, unicorns, dragons & wyerns, trolls, dryads, centaurs, elfs & fairies, manticores... That spidergator would be neat aswell..

Modified or not: Monkeys, owls, ravens, tasmanian devils, honey badgers, dragonflies, capybaras, wildboars, oxen, hyenas, snow leopards...

I like too many animals to just choose one or a few.

7/19/2017 5:18:26 PM #4

7/19/2017 5:20:42 PM #5

Posted By Adam Burrfoot at 1:07 PM - Wed Jul 19 2017

Meowls, definately 100% meowls.

Actually, they're already in the running! I can refuse such a Fan Media staple (plus I want ten)


Posted By Bombastus at 1:18 PM - Wed Jul 19 2017

You take your lovecraftian hellspawn and get out.

7/19/2017 5:23:13 PM #6

I call it.... the Fauxhawk! (Image courtesy of William O'Connor studios.)

"Pledged to the betterment of the Studio and CoE through realistic, open, honest communication about what players can and will do with the mechanics you give them."

Come follow me on Twitch for CoE News and general hangout stuff n things!

7/19/2017 5:39:45 PM #7

This plus this and have it roll like a tire.


Alt text - can be left blank

7/19/2017 7:29:35 PM #8

Might I introduce the most fantastical, majestic being called Kenco?

7/19/2017 7:38:52 PM #9

I think they should combine a coyote with a marlin and it spears its pray to kill them then it eats them like small mammals. Or maybe deer with squires that live in the rain forest and jump from branch to branch sorta like a mountain goat in the trees.

7/19/2017 7:44:25 PM #10

Red Pandas FTW!!!

7/19/2017 8:11:18 PM #11

I'm digging all these owl themes.

I would like an owligator, please.

7/19/2017 8:12:23 PM #12

At the risk of sounding salty... I actually hope they stick mostly to real Earth animals (the last ice-age to present). I kinda don't want Chronicles of ARK-lyria, where dinos and fantasy creatures run around every corner of the surface of the planet.

I'd love to see Red Pandas as a common pet for Kypiq. Or Sugar Gliders.

If and when I encounter a chimera style creature I kinda hope it is a heart stopping moment not ho-hum. I wanna be so bored by the ordinary fauna in the mountain pass that when I hear a shrill, piercing shriek and the lightning bolt from the storm drake hits me that I almost faint.

The devs have clearly shown a desire to blend real Earth creatures into new and interesting combination (Canis Rabbit, Trison and Ursaphaunt), I just hope that these new creations are mixed into a plethora of familiar animals to help them feel like they naturally integrate with the ecology of Elyria, rather than jarring the player out of immersion each time they see a single animal.

I suppose that all being said, I'd like it if the biomes are hostile to the unwary travelers and adventurers.

I'd love a force of invaders plowing into a Kypiq protected forest to find themselves overrun with harmless looking beetles until they realize that the beetles are leaving highly poisonous egg sacs in their water supply. Something every Kypiq child would already know to look for...

For the above reason I really hope that SBS actively avoids telling us about ANY of the flora and fauna. Let us learn from the NPCs that we start around. Another reason to engage with NPCs at launch.

7/19/2017 8:57:49 PM #13

I want a socially advanced reptilian scaled Gorillas that live in the desert.

7/19/2017 9:02:50 PM #14

I would like see a frogpion roaming the swamps. A frogpion is the horrifying hybrid of a frog and a scorpion, it resembles an eight-legged frog covered in an exoskeleton and it have a venomous stinger-tail curving up from its behind.

7/19/2017 9:12:58 PM #15

I'd like to see more canines, be they real world or not. Especially wolves. Tasmanian tigers would be awesome too.

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