NA-W LGBT+ CoE Players

Seeing as how I've noticed a few from their posts in the forums, thought I'd post to see who else is out there.

What are you hoping for the game?

Any concerns?

Also, gaming friends while waiting for CoE are greatly appreciated, too!

9/22/2017 7:35:35 AM #61

Posted By Yernero at 8:56 PM - Mon Sep 04 2017

Just an FYI, if you are gay in game, I am allowed to segregate and discriminate against you for that. In-game only. That a statement backed by Caspian many times. Taking it anywhere outside the game is not allowed. But if your male character is dating a male character or the other way, I can attack you for that. I dont even know why you put transexual in the tags, they arent a possible thing in game.

@ Yerneo - Talking about people who are that in RL. Like I said, looking for similar people in the community. Also, people may discriminate, but its very bad for business as well as bad publicity. Also, I wouldn't try that in my keep.

@HungryKlaxon - For starters, the Waerd wear unisex clothes, other races may or may not have gender specific clothing (can probably find in a dev journal). Also, my settlement, Aelfhaest Keep will have a pride celebration.

@Mandrake - pretty sure the devs are giving you the "Go to Mexico" card on crimes/laws/bounties. That's IF you make it to the border first....hehe

9/27/2017 7:39:25 PM #62

@ Yerneo - Talking about people who are that in RL. Like I said, looking for similar people in the community. Also, people may discriminate, but its very bad for business as well as bad publicity. Also, I wouldn't try that in my keep.

Ah i see ignore my comment on T. But the rest stands, i just wanna make it clear that nobody cares about publicity, that WILL BE and interesting new dynamic we havent gotten in a while and regardless of wherer reasonable people will do it or not it will happen and be interesting


9/28/2017 1:09:24 AM #63

Finally found a NA - W post and its boring. Next

When I am lost, I know I have traveled the farthest. Sayeth the guy jeff. 49F48A =FC

3/18/2018 11:10:44 PM #64

Posted By Bedeude at 2:57 PM - Wed Jul 26 2017

Posted By Kant at 7/26/2017 8:36:48 PM

I can understand the commentators, who stated that we should not divide the community. However, somebody made in another post discussion a valid point that justifies the organization of LGBT groups. The argument was that it would make it easier to find same-sex marriage partners in the game (as Devilkyn pointed out, not every LGBT player wants to be forced into straight marriages, nor do all straight people want to be confronted with same-sex offers). For this reason I am planning to reserve a quarter of my city for LGBT groups. In this way, they can still be part of the larger group without compromising their individual play-style (or life-style).

Dunno why the downvotes, but that's a good point.

To add to it, this could make us able to find support among others of our kind

If you're lgbt, the gaming community can be very toxic. Most fps games every other word seems to be a gay slur, even in a lot of the MMOs people can get pretty nasty too.

Also, we're not segregating, we're coming together. Many of my straight friends will be coming to the game too and are part of my advisers. If we were segregating they wouldn't be invited nor would I be buying the game for them lol.

Look. Do you know WHY its toxic half the time? Because you walk in, look around, smile, and scream "IM GAY! WHO ELSE IS GAY, WHY ARE WE HATED, ACCOMMODATE US! WHY ARE YOU STARING?". and we reply, "We dont care, please have fun, nice to meet you." and then we get back, "THIS COMMUNITY IS SO TOXIC, YOURE ALL HOMOPHOBES!" and then some shitty internet rag writes a bunch of articles about how awful we are and by extension the game.

You exclude yourselves then whine at us about it. It happens. We dont care, its no different than being a different race or religion. Do it, love it, be YOU. But dont make it other peoples problem.

Count of Raberre's Rest

3/18/2018 11:21:09 PM #65

Please look at the thread's last post date before bumping up old threads, locking this now.
