Starting a new bloodline for new community member

Hi everyone

I recently came across this brilliant idea for a game, and so I missed the Kickstarter.

If I had seen the Kickstarter, I would have picked the Bloodline package ($120) in order to ensure my own surname and start my own humble house.

Is this still possible to buy some other way? If not, will it become available again in the future, or perhaps after game launch? Maybe with a second round of Kickstarter funding?

7/31/2017 11:16:24 AM #1

You have not missed anything yet. You can still buy a suitable package from the store page.

Bloodline seems to be $125 now.

7/31/2017 11:36:47 AM #2

Awesome. Thanks, Kurko

7/31/2017 1:49:24 PM #3

Welcome JohnBarbarossa to CoE, wbat server are you thinking to play on? Are you on any of the kingdoms discord or CoE discord?

I started off buying bloodline then boosted to magistrate packet.

Nice to see more people joining us in CoE.