The Beginning of a Journey

Isibeal De’Franco was an orphaned at the age of four her Mother and Father butchered like mere cattle on the road by cut-throats. They had been on their way trade their goods for coin to help them make it through the winter season. Isibeal had only escaped with her life due her father’s quick thinking to hid her under a thicket of bushes and made her promise to keep quiet. She had watched in silence as her father’s throat was slit the blood pooling around his body empty eyes locked on her hiding spot and her mother’s screams and then the sudden silence and the sound of rain on the muddy ground.

She had been taken under her Uncle Aiden’s wing who held a high-ranking position of a King’s personal Elite guard and a renowned warrior. He had brought her up as if she was his own daughter training her in various skills with a variety of blades big and small along with hand to hand combat and sought to educate her on war and strategy along with economics and the many ways of the world. She had grown into a beautiful woman with her mother’s big almond shaped violent eyes and delicate features and fiery temper and her father’s dark coal black hair and pale skin. She was only 23 summers and had fought along many knights and her uncle in a number skirmishes and had fast become a veteran in the ways of fighting.

Once she had come of age her uncle had given her the option of a good and proper marriage or a career in service to the King as a member of the guard. Isibeal had opted for option three a Bounty Hunter in which her Uncle had been less than thrilled about which he had made very apparent and had threatened to remove her from his home on multiple occasions. Her Uncle Aiden had finally given up the struggle as it had seemed hopeless she was strong willed and when her mind was set there was no way to sway her from the path she had chosen.

Isibeal smiled and closed her eyes momentarily remembering the past was painful but, it had shaped her into the woman she was today and she was thankful for what her Uncle had taught her. She sat in the corner of the Roster and Kitten and sipped her ale letting her mind wander to thoughts of what was.

To be continued…

(( OCC: First story I have written in a very long time))