Can create your own family/dynasty

Hi, I was just curious as how one would go about creating and starting a new family/dynasty line. Do you just have start as a ward and then have children? Thank you for all replies.

8/24/2017 3:11:25 AM #1

Posted By TheLostMan at

Hi, I was just curious as how one would go about creating and starting a new family/dynasty line. Do you just have start as a ward and then have children? Thank you for all replies.

A ward would take on the lineage of their spouse if they marry.

KS Backer 750 Friend Code: 8FF2A7

8/24/2017 4:48:25 AM #2

What if the spouse also started as a ward?

8/24/2017 5:49:55 AM #3

Posted By Count_Emiya at 10:11 PM - Wed Aug 23 2017

Posted By TheLostMan at

Hi, I was just curious as how one would go about creating and starting a new family/dynasty line. Do you just have start as a ward and then have children? Thank you for all replies.

A ward would take on the lineage of their spouse if they marry.

A ward starts without a family but there is nothing stopping them from making a new one. Marrying into another family would make them part of that dynasty but that doesn't mean a ward can't make one of their own. Think of a ward as someone who starts as their own one man family.

think about a guy who grows up in an orphanage, when he gets married he doesn't lose his last name.

8/24/2017 5:54:56 AM #4

Depending on how you write the contracts, a ward's lineage is their own regardless of who they marry. When you write child contracts, you stipulate which player controls the codes for that offspring and any issue stemming from said offspring later down the line. So while you may take on your spouse's family name, as long as you reserve yourself a segment of the chidlens, your descendants are your line and if you want to lock the whole thing down for just you, you absolutely can.

Also known as AvA in Discord.

8/24/2017 3:39:46 PM #5

I imagine the only thing stopping a couple from signing eleven child contracts are the necessary resources to feed and house eleven children.

But for a family that makes its own food stores (farms) and modifies its holdings to house multiple children, this could result in large families coming from families skilled in lower-tier skills such as farming, mining, and woodcutting.

I know the first generation of Exposition/Launch will make it difficult to choose your race as that won't be a drop down menu, but what how could I work the system to try and end up as, say, a Hrothi from the get go?

Any ideas?

Melfice Czermoon, Mayor of Czermoon Friend Code: 111FC9

8/24/2017 3:44:02 PM #6

Posted By Nelfeshne at 11:39 AM - Thu Aug 24 2017

I know the first generation of Exposition/Launch will make it difficult to choose your race as that won't be a drop down menu, but what how could I work the system to try and end up as, say, a Hrothi from the get go?

Any ideas?

At exposition I believe it ultimately depends on where you start. If your king picks a specific area that has 2 tribes you can likely pick between them. However, if they pick an area with just 1, that's it. Now, after discovering new tribes and intermingling, more options open up. If you are just an adventurer who isn't already pledged to a king, you could wait to see who ends up where, and then pick the location that fits best with your tribe.

Alt text - can be left blank

8/24/2017 7:41:13 PM #7

Posted By Esoba at 10:44 AM - Thu Aug 24 2017

Posted By Nelfeshne at 11:39 AM - Thu Aug 24 2017

I know the first generation of Exposition/Launch will make it difficult to choose your race as that won't be a drop down menu, but what how could I work the system to try and end up as, say, a Hrothi from the get go?

Any ideas?

At exposition I believe it ultimately depends on where you start. If your king picks a specific area that has 2 tribes you can likely pick between them. However, if they pick an area with just 1, that's it. Now, after discovering new tribes and intermingling, more options open up. If you are just an adventurer who isn't already pledged to a king, you could wait to see who ends up where, and then pick the location that fits best with your tribe.

That's not correct, in the tribe Q&A's they talked about how each kingdom will have high concentrations of a couple of tribes but the other tribes will be there as well. If you want to play a certain tribe then that doesn't mean your locked to a particular kingdom, members of that tribe will be living in the other places as well. The only way you would have your options limited is if your trying to choose a certain town that doesn't have that tribe.

9/6/2017 9:10:13 AM #8

Posted By Czermoon at 10:39 AM - Thu Aug 24 2017

I imagine the only thing stopping a couple from signing eleven child contracts are the necessary resources to feed and house eleven children.

But for a family that makes its own food stores (farms) and modifies its holdings to house multiple children, this could result in large families coming from families skilled in lower-tier skills such as farming, mining, and woodcutting.

I know the first generation of Exposition/Launch will make it difficult to choose your race as that won't be a drop down menu, but what how could I work the system to try and end up as, say, a Hrothi from the get go?

Any ideas?

This is an interesting point. I do think tribal dynamics come into play here as well. To have a child you must have enough rooms in your dwellings. 5 available rooms = 5 children. However, with tribes like The Waerd, since they are a communal tribe and share everything, there is no available room requirement so you could theoretically have as many children as you want. The only caveat with this is that The Waerd tend to live in harsher climates with fewer resources so feeding a family of 12 would be a lot harder.


9/6/2017 12:33:47 PM #9

You need a starter pack for each child as well as a room to house them.

Granted this likely won't have too great a cost but it is something to remember. You are basically setting up a new NPC for a new player to take over. So whatever you start with as a child (not ward) you end up having to provide for each child. The starting pack is a skill specific item or two and some resources. Could be a shovel and some seeds, or a sword and some leather armor. Entirely dependent on what skill line you and they are based on.

As for expo starts. It depends entirely on what tier you start out with. If you have a domain a town or county on up you are more or less locked into the tribe ruling the area you picked at domain selection. If you are of a lower tier with access like bloodline you will likely start out like anyone else come launch. You will go through the starting dialog and end up wherever your choices lead.