The Encyclopèdie Mèdièvale

Honored Count of Markovia,

I write this epistle to inform you that the relic you spoke of in your letter was received safely. It seems to contain a depth the likes of which are rarely seen, and I can only imagine the secrets which its pages must hold. While its pages are at first, like a well-fortified castle, difficult and daunting to breach, I have the aid of my colleague G. Oogle to assuage my concerns, and with our combined efforts I am confident that our efforts will bear fruit.

To your son and his learned companions, the Esonins, I truly thank you all for this splendid tome. I look forward to sharing its contents with you.

Sincerely, Souzou


9/15/2017 6:47:22 AM #1

So, some one may have had the same idea as me.

9/15/2017 1:16:38 PM #2

Love the response! Haha! I hope to see G. Oogle in-game now.

9/15/2017 1:22:49 PM #3

G. Oogle works for me too. He helps me with the most explicit contracts, and mostly for free, so he says. :)

9/15/2017 5:30:08 PM #4

Master Souzou,

I'm glad that the relic uncovered by the group of daring adventurers my son is part of, finally reached you.

I'm relieved that it is in a good enough state to let you work with it and that the help of your colleague G. Oogle let you decipher the strange idiom it is written in.

i'll keep your words and be sure to pass them to the bold explorers when they'll return from their quest.

I'm really grateful that you found time to write that epistle, Master Souzou, by which I am much humbled.

Niklas Markof, Count of Markovia.

9/16/2017 12:51:46 PM #5

I love it when a game doesn't take itself so seriously! I would love to see George Oogle and his relatives all over Elyria helping answer the questions of weary travelers!