
Greetings. You may have noticed some randomness over the past few hours from Tryggr.

Due to our ways we have noiticed that we may not know the community discords as much as we should. So, we have joined many in the search of a fabled item known as a Shrubbery.

After crossing many lands and meeting many people we sadly. Have not found this item.

The closest we came was from Morbis and Caspain, They understood our quest. Alas they could not help us. If anyone has this fabled item please and i mean PLEASE. Give us our beloved Shrubbery,

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1/14/2018 2:45:48 AM #1

1 like equals 1 prayer.

every sixty seconds a minute passes in Tryggr. if you donate 1 mead bottle today you can help stop this atrocity

“He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.”

1/14/2018 2:52:45 AM #2

1/14/2018 3:02:37 AM #3

THE MYSTICAL BURNING SHRUBBERY! I have only heard of it in Legend! You must tell me where it is!

KS Backer #44

1/14/2018 3:03:15 AM #4

Heathens. Burning our precious shrubberies

1/14/2018 3:32:50 AM #5

No Elderberries for Tryggr today.

1/14/2018 9:53:10 AM #6

Let me guide you to your shrubbery by using the map in the post "Fantasy Domain Selection". You find your Shrubbery in the upper right corner of area 5 in the blue northern kingdom. Hurry to widness the wonder! It is still burning. You can see the shine of the fire from afar.