Combat PvP - Styles and Forms

Most MMOs and multiplayer survival games share features in common, many of which, based on current information, will be present in CoE. This post will attempt to expand on some of these common features and I invite all to contribute and discuss the viability of these options and others which are not mentioned.

Forms of PvP

Arena - A form of PvP which typically involves solo or small groups of PvPers who agree to fight in a confined space, or an 'arena'. It is generally assumed that no instances will exist in this game so hard caps on participation probably won't be capped by the game mechanics. Arenas could be constructed using the architecture tool and could be used for training purposes or competitions. Problems include alignment impact and criminality but mechanics could be introduced to remove this (training weapons or dedicated combat zoning for instance).

Battlefield - 'Staged Battlefields' have been mentioned a number of times and there have been some unofficial info releases on the subject to help inform interpretation. Some information can be found here:

It is clear that some kind of mechanic will exist to initiate a staged battlefield, in which battle rage and other features will apply. Battlefields in the traditional MMO sense are often instanced, with MMOs such as WoW typifying one extreme form (repeatable content with clear objectives) and Life is Feudal typifying another (integral to warfare in that game), but others such as EvE Online can host massive battles that are dynamic and wholly open world and un-instanced/sharded. It would be interesting to know how this feature is being planned and developed as it may be central to the warfare systems of this MMO. Will battlefields require a war declaration for instance? Does one need a cassus belli? (Edit: 15-01-18)

Duelling - Perhaps some game mechanics will exist to initiate a duel? If repetitive actions build skills in this game then perhaps duelling will be a great way to build combat skill points? (Edit: 15-01-18)

Jousting - Videos from PAX display the latest progress in this form of PvP. This form appears to be a mini-game with little impact beyond the jousting arena. Would be interesting to know if damage taken to the person, mounts and equipment persists beyond the mini-game.

Naval -Once ships are fully researched it is axiomatic that naval combat will develop immediately afterwards. Whether this involves simple boarding, or ranged weapons, or specific mechanics such as grappling or claiming trophy ships remains to be seen but loads of potential exists for a rich naval combat experience.

Raiding - As opposed to sieges (discussed below), raiding is often defined as a form of PvP that involves attacking territory and assets without initiating official siege mechanics (if they exist at all). Different mechanics are utilised by raiders to access fortresses and exploit ownership mechanics, such as boosting (jumping over barriers such as walls) and often uses glitches and bugs to gain access or disrupt mechanics. Raiding is often intimately associated with World PvP which I will expand on below.

Sieges - I differentiate sieges from raiding because many MMOs have dedicated siege mechanics which serve to occupy territory from opponents. EvE Online uses territorial claim units and Darkfall requires the placement of claims in villages to claim them, and so forth. The process of claiming territory from your opponents remains unknown but it is likely that a cassus belli will be required.

World PvP - I include random and deliberate encounters in the open world under this title, and will likely include banditry or smaller scale combat between PvPers as they attempt to raid each other's assets outside of any PvP mechanics that may exist (such as staged battlefields). Expect any groups which operate freefire policies on neutral players or those competing with nearby rival clans to engage in this form of PvP and raiding on a regular basis. Many gamers rate the activity and success of a survival or PvP orientated MMO on the frequency of world PvP and many PvP clans value raiding and world PvP above all other forms for its unpredictability and spontaneous nature.

Any and all comments will be valued. I believe a robust discussion on this topic is essential as combat PvP will doubtlessly be central to the success and longevity of this MMO. Speculation will of course persist throughout this discussion but as mentioned above, many of the categories listed exist in most MMOs and are common terminology in PvP communities, and I'm sure mechanics from other MMOs will influence PvP in CoE to a significant degree.

Thank you for your contributions!

1/15/2018 2:43:37 AM #1

Just one small correction to make on this after skimming it: battlefields aren't going to be instanced.

There'll also in all likelihood be brawling/sparring, training matches, duels and the like as well. Improvised weapons are a possibility, which coupled with parkour could make for interesting/hilarious bar fights.

To touch Divinity, one must be prepared to brave Reality.

1/15/2018 3:04:14 PM #2

Duelling was of course a glaring omission which I have now added to the list.

I have also amended the battlefield segment to better convey what I meant to say concerning instancing.

I suppose I believe each method of PvP mentioned above will be viable. I especially think that raiding and world PvP will feature heavily in the first months of gameplay. If we look at Silver Run here:

Any settlement built like this will be open for all forms of raiding. Whether that includes actually damaging structures or just perhaps moving things in front of doorways, luring dangerous animals to the settlement, stealing resources left in the open such as carts or horses and so forth. The prepared settlements will acquire their defences in exposition but inactive mayors, solo mayors or NPC mayors with PC villagers will probably not get defences up before launch, leaving them exposed to raiding behaviour. Even with defences a village may not be immune to raiding, as tunnelling provides a potential means of accessing a defended settlement, assuming this does not require a sieging mechanic to be initiated. Defences built below higher terrain may be exposed to climbing and boosting, and some items maybe used to help boosting. Doubtless they'll be patched but don't count on communities to necessarily reveal glitches to developers and the public if they can get some PvP advantage from them. If technological advances lead to the mythical glider being implemented, then raiding will be all the more easier to perform.

The biggest turnoff for raiding or world PvP will be travel time. The game world is MASSIVE, as seen here:

Whilst the trade-off between acquiring much needed resources from a poorly defended settlement may be enticing to some, travel times in excess of 2-3 hours or considerably longer for distant targets will almost certainly limit raiding activities to those areas immediately bordering hostile communities. One must wonder how such communities could possibly maintain their preferred play style in this MMO with such time-sinks.