What REALLY makes a good surname!

So surname reservation has, for many, ended. They've locked in their surname of choice, it's been approved by SbS, and now they get to sit on their choice.

For a couple years.

If there's a time for regret to set in, it's now.

You may think "my name isn't the ideal", or "it doesn't immediately impress", or even "my surname is perfect, Silvertongue is a steal".

If it's that last one, I hate you, I wanted that one.

But now I don't, because being denied my 1st choice brought me to an important and totally not bitterness fueled epiphany. And it's that the WE will give value and meaning to our surnames.

The beggar down the street has Silvertongue as a last name? That's neat, but I'm not actually impressed, never heard of em. You're from the (fictitious) House Maggot, or House Juhudnwekbh, the two most powerful houses on the server? I'll know those surnames and note all who bear them.

The basic point I'm making is that your name will not inherently impress or wow people, no matter what it is. It's up to you to make the surname, your surname, mean something - and anything can be made valuable, so don't regret your choices!

PS: I've since found a far better surname that I'm completely satisfied with, and honestly while Silvertongue sounded cool I wasn't looking forward to people scrutinizing my every word as I don't actually merit that surname. It was sort of pretentious of me.

4/11/2018 10:23:59 PM #1

I haven't used my reservation yet because I don't have enough information yet to know what I'm going to want to go with. Either a medieval sounding one, or an Elven sounding one, or something just kinda generally cool sounding. Leaning towards the medieval one even though my end goal is Elven.

That said... Cats-peein' would be an amusing surname. It'd never get approved, but it'd be amusing.

Also it's important to note that if you can manage to contact whoever locked in the surname you wanted you might be able to get them to let you join their family so you, too, can use said surname.

4/11/2018 10:30:19 PM #2

Posted By Tiffany at 3:23 PM - Wed Apr 11 2018

Also it's important to note that if you can manage to contact whoever locked in the surname you wanted you might be able to get them to let you join their family so you, too, can use said surname.

I honestly hadn't thought of that, that's clever. I'm at this point planning to play Kypiq, so my kingdom and (in the event of joining a family) family choice will most likely be made with that in mind.

4/12/2018 9:44:30 PM #3


4/16/2018 10:04:48 PM #4

I would have to agree with Unlurker on this one to a degree, mind you some names are just easier to remember and have a certain ring to it lol

Business owner in the town Requiem, Duchy of Atravia, in the Kingdom of Riftwood in NA-W server, mostly a military member settlement so far but all are welcome. - Role Play - Farming - Mount Breeding - Soldiering - Trade -

5/21/2018 2:58:47 PM #5

No clue how to lock in a surname, but I will probably end up just winging it, and it will probably be dumb...haha

Baron Neiph Cadfael

5/21/2018 3:07:49 PM #6

Posted By Neiph at 09:58 AM - Mon May 21 2018

No clue how to lock in a surname, but I will probably end up just winging it, and it will probably be dumb...haha

If you have the bloodline or higher package or bought a surname separately you can use the following link:

5/21/2018 6:51:53 PM #7

I chose my surname to blend in with other Crocais surnames, after studying their naming conventions.

5/25/2018 8:52:55 AM #8

Honestly I hope that my first name will be more well known then my last, however the reason i say that is most likely because i'm going to be starting as a ward

Mighty gear for the Mighty Menn