Game Guide - Typos/Comments

As always I love the additions to the Game section of the website. They are so helpful and it is great to see them being expanded and updated. As the Game Guide section now has an awful lot more content beneath it I have gone through and had a good read. It really does bring the different features alive and make the game seem an incredibly interesting world to get involved in. Here were a couple of typos/comments.

Game Guide

I know I said this before but I will say it again, this title page seems confused and does not server any clear purpose. It currently seems to a slightly different ‘Overview’. However, using it as a landing/contents page to the various sub headings below it might well work better and feel less out of place.

Evolving Story

Every action and event happening in Elyria has a chance to reveal new stories for your character to join into...or ignore.

The ‘into’ feels very out of place, the sentence would read better with it removed.

It will even diverge per server, with one focusing on seafaring while another server develops gliders.

This reads like server focuses have already been decided and if you want to focus on seafaring you should choose the seafaring server. Perhaps: ‘It can even diverge per server, if one focuses on seafaring while another server develops gliders.’


And what's best, is that you will be bolstered in the presence of your family members, and less-skilled characters will be raised up when you are in a group together.

The phrase ‘less-skilled’ makes it sounds like bolstering will directly impact your skill level, rather than indirectly impact them through your attributes. I know that sounds petty but there were concerns when bolstering was mentioned that it actually advanced your skill level or gave access to new skill, and that is not actually true. Perhaps ‘less-able’ would allow the same meaning but with perhaps less room for negative connotations?

Reap the Rewards of Previous Generations

This whole paragraph is clunky. This wording seems to ask more questions than it answers which is not true of the rest of the guides. I think this is mainly due to the repetition of concepts like heirs and passing on wealth but two different statements about them due to the second time including souls. Perhaps make it two paragraphs:

‘Just as a character's spirit survives death as the soul and preserves its development, your character's gains in the real world can also be preserved through your family. Every character can designated an heir who will inherit their wealth, possessions, and even some of their reputation. Families make it possible to build a sterling reputation over time or establish a tradition of honor that spans generations.

When your character dies permanently and it is time for your soul to start a new life you can continue on in your family. If you have designated your child as your heir you can begin your soul’s next life as them, using a spark of life, giving you access to your family’s wealth and possessions.’


Gathering: A person's ability to gather and process raw materials. This includes skills involving the identification and handling of organic materials such as plant and animal byproducts, as well as inorganic materials such as metals and gems.

Is this still a skill type as the last Q&A said there was no longer a separate set of skills to gather and process? There is also no section that actually discusses this skill section. Might be a bit of bias here but these skills, even if they are now a part of crafting, seem very underrepresented. Could we at least get a paragraph about the joys of farming, searching for ores, managing the wood production from forests etc.

No official micro-transaction item store will pop up to undermine the in-game economy.

The inclusion of the word official makes it sound like you expect unofficial stores instead, consider removing.

Chronicles of Elyria offers a an unprecedented level of challenge from the environment Typo - offers an


As a result, the typical Elyrian lives to around 70 years old, or one real-life year. and Each of your characters is given approximately 70 years of life before death takes its toll and the soul its freed to return to the Akashic Record

Firstly 70 years is far closer to a year and a half rather than a year, and this could cause confusion with the time scales of the game. Also both these statements make it sound like we get to play the character for 70 years which is not correct, with only 52 years being the max. We do get to play for a real life year (ignoring any deductions), but that doesn’t seem to be clearly communicated here.

These echoes are a boon to the next lifetime as the new character can draw upon on these pasts experiences and apply what the soul has learned to its own efforts

Typo – these past experiences


The actions of the Players, NPCs, and animals in the region are all reflected in the changing environments, rippling out across the world to influence everything from the weather to the motivations and needs of the region's animals.

Players, NPCs and animals can actually impact the weather rather than are impacted by it? While this would certainly be very interesting I feel it might not be correct.

Seasons could last for multiple years and players will need to prepare for each.

This reads as though one season could last for multiple years, (using seasons rather than saying winter or summer) but I think it means that the four seasons together could last for multiple years. Perhaps: ‘The cycle of seasons could last for multiple years and players will need to prepare for each.’


it provides safety and easier access to goods and services, as well as providing economic opportunities to neighboring areas.

Typo - It provides


Players take the reins in this medieval multi-player story, complete with assassinations, rumors, and Kingdoms changing hands

Typo - hands.

While it's possible to break those laws, there are consequences that could result if caught.

‘there are consequences that could result’ seems a very archaic phrasing, ‘that could result in consequences if caught’ sounds more readable.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

4/19/2018 10:57:51 PM #1

Thank you Victoria, we'll get on it!

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

4/21/2018 12:40:34 AM #2

Ok Victoria. I've made the above changes. Thanks again for your continued help!