Trade: My Mayors for a Courtier

If you have a gift-able Courtier package but prefer mayors, pm me at "Master of Pearl#5728". I will send 4 mayors packages to trade for a courtier package. I know there are those out there that prefer being a mayor over being a count. I can send the mayor packages first if you're a well-known community member. I'm open to negotiation as well.

5/2/2018 3:19:24 AM #1

How come your rank is only 3 if you have multiple mayor packages to trade?

5/2/2018 3:28:29 AM #2

Posted By Oracle at 8:19 PM - Tue May 01 2018

How come your rank is only 3 if you have multiple mayor packages to trade?

This isn't my main account. And besides, though this is rank 3, this account still has a courtier package. If I didn't care about this account's ability to post images, it would be rank 0. You can ask a mod or something if they are able to confirm and you don't believe me when I said this account is a courtier account.

Below is proof of the mayor packages I have. Assuming the person trading with me has a rep, I have no problem with sending him/her the package first. Lastly, I'm with the EAP and I have already gave out more than 20 elyrian packages and over 5 mayor packages.

I understand your skepticism though.