Why we MUST stay on a GOLD and SILVER standard

If we want this game to avoid the economic fate of 99% of all MMO'S then we must agree to keep the amount of money finite and semi rare.

Here are the steps

1.Create a Universal Monetary Value, and Universal Currency. One "Elyer" for example= 0.05 ounces of Gold/33 ounces of silver Again just an example

2.Set up a Universal Banking System The banks would be responsible for simply exchanging G/S for monetary notes, and monetary notes for G/S.

3.Establish a small group of users who over see the system and stop it from imploding. How? By allowing one person per kingdom to be appointed. These people could certify a very small group of people to create/print monetary notes.

4.Printing to demand Its a simple process, the over seers and banks keep tabs on how much G/S they have and how many notes they have. If someone comes to trade in G/S for notes to spend, they check with everyone to see if there is any available, if not then according to a universal ratio of notes to G/S the printers would be asked to print said amount and then the bank would collect and hand over said amount to the player in exchange for the G/S.

5.Once all the Gold/Silver is minded Once its gone its gone, no more notes printed and no other metals used.


What do you think?

EDIT- Done by players not built into the game

The Keshi family, is intend on bringing democracy and economic stability to Elyria.

12/8/2018 6:25:17 AM #91

Posted By Poldano at 12:44 AM - Sat Dec 08 2018

Posted By mickdude2 at 1:52 PM - Fri Dec 07 2018


Why would interest be illegal in Elyria?

Because some domains might take it upon themselves to forbid usury. There is RL precedence for it.

Let me know which kingdoms are basing their economic systems on a book written by barely-literate cave-dwellers, I'll be sure to scam them first.

12/8/2018 8:59:08 AM #92

Posted By mickdude2 at 10:25 PM - Fri Dec 07 2018

Posted By Poldano at 12:44 AM - Sat Dec 08 2018

Posted By mickdude2 at 1:52 PM - Fri Dec 07 2018


Why would interest be illegal in Elyria?

Because some domains might take it upon themselves to forbid usury. There is RL precedence for it.

Let me know which kingdoms are basing their economic systems on a book written by barely-literate cave-dwellers, I'll be sure to scam them first.

Worst-case, most of the characters in some domains may be barely-literate cave-dwellers themselves, and all domains may consist of a majority of the barely-literate, or worse. If such NPCs don't accept the financial inventions of players, the fundamental economy won't work as intended. It wouldn't take genius AI to endow them with a strong bias against fiat currency, to use an obvious example.

12/8/2018 11:37:26 AM #93

I bet all the AI, including the nobles, already have a pocket full of coins to jump start the economy. All we have to do is regulate that stream of money into the right pockets. Go to a blacksmith with the right ores mined, and he will mint more for you. Hopefully players from other towns will come to you to spend their coins, and hopefully you don't print to much money to fill your own pockets. We all know what happens when you throw to much money into the population. They go on a spending spree and prices go up, unless the production keeps up with the spree. So, produce as much wares as you can, as long as the people have enough money to buy it.

12/8/2018 2:00:29 PM #94

Each kingdom will have its own currency gold and silver standard will not work to be Equitable between kingdoms even duchies and so forth. Bankers should be used in a different context . instead of being a horder of minerals . how the currency starts in game I have no clue is it by vendors or those treasure maps you dig up. setting a gold and silver standard for this game makes me laugh.. Each kingdom will have its own printing press or coin press.. So let it RIP or should I say R.I.P.

It will be interesting when game play comes about.

12/11/2018 7:05:11 PM #95

You build a central bank system and my new goal in game is to rob them all.

Every single note.

We're having a bonfire!

Friend Code: B1DD85 NA-W Neran, beyond that not sure what I'm going to be when I grow up.

12/12/2018 4:18:29 AM #96

Like many Elyrian said that the system like that won't work as getting people to cooperate in any game let alone MMO is a daunting feat, plus the player controlling the Banks and the Over-seer could be corrupted and there are no system in place to check them, since you said that it's not a mechanic but a player run system

Life's a Struggle when you are a Muggle.

A Wild Friend Code has appeared: F16C4D

12/12/2018 4:54:17 AM #97

Posted By DeepDashing at 11:18 PM - Tue Dec 11 2018

Like many Elyrian said that the system like that won't work as getting people to cooperate in any game let alone MMO is a daunting feat, plus the player controlling the Banks and the Over-seer could be corrupted and there are no system in place to check them, since you said that it's not a mechanic but a player run system

Actually it would be NPCs administering it since it would be trading posts just for the "official" currency.

People will come around then the inflation crisis happens with the dozens of different forms of currencies having no formal worth.

The Keshi family, is intend on bringing democracy and economic stability to Elyria.

12/12/2018 7:41:11 AM #98

If a government accepts a medium of exchange for payment of taxes, it has a formal worth. A government does not have to do this in order for a medium of exchange to become a standard currency, but if a government does this, the formal worth becomes established and recognized. That medium then becomes even moreso the standard by which the values of other kinds of things are measured.

Even a fiat currency, of which paper script is one example, can acquire a formal worth in this way. Of course, if a government is accepting a fiat currency for its own revenue, it has a vested interest in not inflating its value by making too much of it.

Banks are irrelevant to the establishment of a standard medium of exchange. Banks become possible only after a standard medium of exchange comes into being, which means it becomes accepted by the vast majority of people who produce or exchange goods for a living.

12/12/2018 8:51:52 AM #99

Posted By mickdude2 at 11:25 PM - Fri Dec 07 2018

Posted By Poldano at 12:44 AM - Sat Dec 08 2018

Posted By mickdude2 at 1:52 PM - Fri Dec 07 2018


Why would interest be illegal in Elyria?

Because some domains might take it upon themselves to forbid usury. There is RL precedence for it.

Let me know which kingdoms are basing their economic systems on a book written by barely-literate cave-dwellers, I'll be sure to scam them first.

Yeah, cause we all know that IQ increases linearly in direct proportion to exposure to printed materials. Thank Gutenberg!
