
I tried out the name generator and I find many of the names to be quite long and hard to pronounce. Is there a plan to use these sorts of names? I'd hate to see more than a few of the NPC's walking around with long and hard to pronounce names. To be fair, I only tested the Brudvir and Dras generators so far and there were also a great deal of awesome (my opinion) names, it just feels like there are too many of the long ones.

Count Bergr Iðjumaðr and Co. reporting in.

If you're interested in setting up in a naval settlement focused on trade and shipbuilding, hit me up. I'll try to accommodate as many professions as possible, so if there's a certain profession you're interested in, I'll try to provide a kit for you to get started. Be quick, though - I'm only buying one of each kit, and I'll be investing in 15-20 different professions... hit me up.

4/24/2019 9:38:19 AM #1

Hello and welcome Lawetz,

The generators that we can used are focused on give an idea of the lore names/surnames from each tribe to help the people playing in a inmersive game.

Even so, you can choose another that you like too if it follow the name/surname rules. That is also applied for the domains and settlement as you can see here.

We only know a few NPC names fromt he Lore, like Anara Starsong (neran), Ylva or Ingvar or Bethemel (brudvir), Jaleh (waerd), Ilnajeren (Dras) and Naomi Jade what is belived to be a mydarri.

As you can see, the names are not as complicated as the surname/domain&settlement generator seems, but it is true that we will find another names more complicates for NPCs.

4/25/2019 12:32:11 AM #2

If it makes you feel any better, I think they said that characters, NPCs or otherwise, won't have names above their heads

4/25/2019 2:51:46 AM #3

Posted By Arkileo at 5:32 PM - Wed Apr 24 2019

If it makes you feel any better, I think they said that characters, NPCs or otherwise, won't have names above their heads

Actually in the communication DJ (stickied in the developer journal forum), they said that once you know someone well enough, their name will appear above their head in perpetuity.

Expecting to set up as a mayor in one of the three "two town" counties in Bridgespider (Angelica server, Kingdom of Tyria). I'm hoping to end up with a city by the end of exposition for lawmaking ability, assuming I can keep the city sustainable. You will know it's me by the city name Raven's Roost

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