
So, do we know if ice will preserve food? If so, will it melt slowly enough and will ships me fast enough for me to be an ice merchant shipping ice to the swamps?

Count of Frostale, in the Duchy of Fioralba, in the Kingdom of Ashland, by the Grace of Haven. The above opinions are mine alone and do not reflect those of my Kingdom or Duchy.

7/14/2019 4:38:17 AM #1

As far as I know we don't really have any info on the food preservation mechanic other than it will exist in some form. whether that will be drying, smoking, salting or refrigeration it is all speculation

Divide et Impera

7/14/2019 5:53:42 AM #2

unless there is ice nearby transporting it is very hard and expensive and with pre industrial age tech as well

easier to make it

7/14/2019 7:07:50 AM #3

It's my professional opinion that crystal meth is not a very effective preservative; however, during the longest night and/or drought/famine, contaminating what little food there is with crystal meth, may actually help stretch it out as the appetite suppressive effects mean people will eat less.

in the colder climates, it may also help to keep people warm.

As for being an Ice Merchant for the swamps, I am not sure the Dras will get much effect from crystal meth as they have poison resistance

7/15/2019 3:08:08 AM #4

don't forget people killing others over meth will mean there is more food!

7/15/2019 3:16:16 AM #5


Genius!! :)

7/16/2019 8:31:19 PM #6

They have mentioned root cellars as a means for storage/preservation.

Beyond that it will most likely be ice, salting, smoking, honeying, drying, or baking all water out of food like hardtack or similar meathods for storing food for up to two years for things like ship travel as it was in ancient times.

It is also quite possible that there will be other forms of preservatives found in plants.

If you have items or assets you no longer have use for feel free to send them my way.

7/16/2019 8:37:28 PM #7

Looks like insulation will be available. So you may harvest ice in the north and put it in a larder. How long it lasts?

Gift of Charity: During the Longest Night, the Hrothi traditionally travel around to neighboring settlements to deliver a care package to help survive the dark winter. These traditional sweets and surprises come inside of an insulated and wax-treated chest. Food stored inside spoils more slowly and is meant to be buried.

Divide et Impera

7/17/2019 1:52:28 AM #8

Posted By tathen at 01:53 AM - Sun Jul 14 2019

unless there is ice nearby transporting it is very hard and expensive and with pre industrial age tech as well

easier to make it

That's my secret business plan - ice farming & hauling :)

World Class Indoorsman