Ao’s Coin Milestone Item Questions

Per SERPS suggestion on discord.

  • Can the coin be traded? A: No

  • Can the coin be stolen?

  • Does the coin prevent permadeath in deep water, volcanoes, etc?

  • How many times may a single soul use an Ao’s Coin?

  • Can a player choose whether or not to use the coins power?

9/18/2019 3:24:11 PM #1

If you drown in the sea you'll be washed ashore near to the settlement you last visited.

9/18/2019 3:49:04 PM #2

A couple of other questions I have seen:

Q: What happens to the coin if you Perma and decide not to use it,

Q: Can you will the coin to your heir if you don't use it?

Q: After use does the coin remain as a trinket or is it consumed during activation?

Divide et Impera

9/18/2019 4:14:16 PM #3

Another that's popped up across a few conversations I've had lately...

Do we need to worry about issues with the copyright on Ao considering he's already a (over)deity in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting?

Survival, Whatever the Cost, We Shall Endure| Marthanais, Cibé an Costas, An mbeidh muid Mairfidh| Pledged to Vornair, Pledged to Erzhalden, Pledged to Volsung, Freyr of Kjalstead

9/18/2019 4:55:31 PM #4

I hope copyright isn't a concern.... I actually know Ao from the Chinese turtle mythology. I didn't know there was a forgotten realm reference, although I love the name Ao. Either way I wikipedia'd it and found out there's two mythologies surrounding Ao. :)

The two for quick reference are;

"In Māori mythology, Ao ("daylight")

is one of the primal deities who are the unborn forces of nature. Ao is the personification of light, clouds and the ordinary world, as opposed to darkness and the underworld.

He is spoken of under many forms or manifestations, including Aotūroa, “enduring day, this world”, Aotahi, “bright day, world of light and life”. With his companions, Ata, “morning,” and Whaitua, “space,” Ao resists the forces of darkness."

"Ao (Chinese: 鳌, Áo)

is a large marine turtle in Chinese mythology. He was thought to have lived in the South China Sea during the time of the formation of the world. When the goddess Nüwa, creator of mankind, was repairing the sky after a disaster, she chopped off Ao’s four legs and used them as supports.

Another myth claims that Ao still lives and resides in the Bohai Sea, where he carries the three islands of the Eight Immortals (Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou) upon his back.[1]

He is thought to have been an influence on the later half-dragon, half-turtle figure of Bixi in imperial Chinese sculpture. Bixi was considered a son of the Dragon King who was able to carry enormous weights upon his back; figures of the dragon-turtle bearing memorial stelae are common monuments throughout East Asia."

9/18/2019 5:04:56 PM #5

Do they mean trading before the game or even during the game? If so in the game it cant be stolen because it would be the same as trading (involuntary trading) What happends if i collect 100 of them do they merge and make me immortal?

9/18/2019 6:54:49 PM #6

Aika, I do not know for sure, but I strongly suggest that anything can be exchanged ingame. Until now, there was never talked about any item that can not ingame.

As for now, yes, you can not trade it as an item in your account inventory.

Collecting 100 of them it will help you cheat death 100 times., if you do not loose them. :)

Respect and trust!

9/18/2019 9:18:51 PM #7

Posted By Tsetsee at 9/18/2019 3:24:11 PM

If you drown in the sea you'll be washed ashore near to the settlement you last visited.

This is the answer that has been given in the FAQ, but does not answer the question posed in the OP.

9/19/2019 9:41:06 PM #8

Updated OP.

9/19/2019 10:37:46 PM #9

Posted By Huntsmaster at 2:18 PM - Wed Sep 18 2019

Posted By Tsetsee at 9/18/2019 3:24:11 PM

If you drown in the sea you'll be washed ashore near to the settlement you last visited.

This is the answer that has been given in the FAQ, but does not answer the question posed in the OP.

I'm trying to weasel out your meaning. Are you asking if it allows you to return to life after a perma-death from an inescapable situation that your body would not normally be able to recover from?

9/20/2019 12:03:02 AM #10

Posted By Huntsmaster at

Per SERPS suggestion on discord.

  • Can the coin be traded? A: No

That's a verified no :)

  • Can the coin be stolen?

A: It can, in-game it is a necklace, so it can't be pickpocketed, but the standard rules for looting items your body apply.

  • Does the coin prevent permadeath in deep water, volcanoes, etc?

A: Explicitly: Ao's coin will protect you from drowning in deep water, in that you will wash ashore at the shore closest to the last settlement on the starting continent that you visited. If you perma-die in some other fast and horrible way the coin will also save you and leave you in a safe location nearby.

In fact, to clarify something about how the coin works: Ao's coin will save you automatically if you perma-die in a horrible and premature way. If, however, you die of old age (due to a lack of remaining spirit), you will have the choice to use the coin to regain a sliver of spirit and return to life, or to pass quietly into death, leaving the coin on your body to be recovered by others.

  • How many times may a single soul use an Ao’s Coin?

A: Ao's coin can be used one time, period.

Hope that helps! :)

  • Snipehunter
9/20/2019 12:15:56 AM #11

Unless i'm missing something, doesn't that just mean there will be a roundabout economy of "CDG me and loot my coin for 1000 gold" or something?

This would mean that Kings, who naturally would only have a few lifes before permadeath, would be in a great position to pay people to be CDG'd for their coins and continue their life well beyond their umpteenth assassination.

9/20/2019 1:17:50 AM #12

Natch, each soul can only ever be saved by exactly one coin exactly one time. No multiples in coins or saves for each soul.

Natch, right? 2nd coin won't work.

If you're killed by a Monarch you lose spirit like a Monarch.

Natch, right? Better charge that King 500k gold.

Consciousness: Was I aware of my own death?

No? The coin saves me.

Yes? The coin does not save me.

Natch, right?

A Simple Mayor of the humble city of...

9/20/2019 1:37:59 AM #13

Who's "Natch"?


9/20/2019 2:07:21 AM #14

So if it's in your inventory, it activates automatically in cases of horrible, premature perma-death.

What if you give the coin to your heir before your sudden, pre-mature death? Then spark into said heir?


"Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly means not the same."

-Just a lowly beekeeper

9/20/2019 2:37:20 AM #15

How are there still questions after both the description and Snipe's explanation?

A single coin can be used once. So if you have 2 coins, or 100 coins, each single coin can be used once, which is basic arithmetic. You can be saved more than once given you have a single coin for each instance in which you would have died otherwise.

Neither Natch's response, nor your character's awareness if reality, are required for the coin to function.

If a king wants to pay someone for their coin AND for their spirit loss, and that person is ok with it, OR if the king just wants to run around with a gang of guards and kill coin holders, and personally loot their body for the coin that can't be traded, then yes. Just the same as anything else in the game that can't be "traded".

If your heir is wearing a coin, then they are presumably an account that received a coin, which would make them a player or an alt account in existence during this event so that they would receive said coin.

It's not a time travel device. The coin works automatically in untimely deaths. you can't take a rain check, CDG "trade" the coin away, and then use it to erase a previous death.