Gender Balance

Firstly, I am more than enjoying my ride on the hype train!

As a woman interested in playing a female character I pose my question based upon other MMO's, where your gender isn't seen as the stronger or weaker sex. I know CoE will have more realism by far compared to many (if not all) other MMO's where interaction with the world and players are concerned. And immersion is foremost for player experience.

My question is this, will there be a difference between the strength of a male character and a female character? a difference in stamina? Will there be gender specific pro's and con's?

For example: If I were to be a female soldier pitted against an invading male soldier, would he be likely to simply over power me? (not taking into account individual battle training, individual skill, experience ect- just based purely on gender specific physicality)

The same could be asked about armor/weapons/tools (in whichever trade / class), will each genders armor/weapon/tool weigh differently? as I know these things will come into play when concerning stamina and speed.

I ask because I am uncertain whether or not I believe there should be personally. On one hand I like the idea of 'over coming' a gender barrier and when speaking realism these things exist in reality. But on the other I also like the idea of a balance between the sexes where your gender doesn't hinder your ability and or experience.

3/25/2016 10:57:24 PM #1

No, there isn't a different between genders stats wise at least as of this moment..The different races will have different states..An example, the people that live in the desert will have higher agility.

3/25/2016 11:03:17 PM #2

When you have things like that, it forces people to do certain things just for an advantage. If a female was a better assassin than a male character just because of the gender difference I'm sure 90% of the assassins in the game would roll a female just to be a better assassin than the next guy.

3/25/2016 11:13:15 PM #3

I would imagine that there would be no difference, it would be just another thing for people to complain about and it would have no real benefit to the game.

2 + 2

3/25/2016 11:19:26 PM #4

I wouldn't hate gender differences. Final Fantasy XIV got away with stat-differences between the races (as much as +-6 in a game where people will spend millions to get +1) and yet nobody cared.

Lalafell tanks were surprisingly common despite having the lowest strength and vitality stats, and damn near everyone was a Miqo'te regardless if it provided optimal stats.

3/25/2016 11:23:10 PM #5

FFXIV was also strictly PvE with a horrible pvp system that no one played..People mainly care about this in PvP games.

3/26/2016 12:19:42 AM #6

I wouldn't expect there to be a difference as most games just treat genders different visually and nothing else.

Regardless of real life strength differences, probably because no one wants to get sued.

A city of thieves, where criminals come and go and do as they please.

3/26/2016 12:30:08 AM #7

Given that Caspian has mentioned this game's potential to appeal to women, I have a lot of faith that SB won't short-change us womenz by making any major differences in stamina/strength between sexes.

3/26/2016 12:39:58 AM #8

At this point, there's no differences. However, if after launch we see that there's a poor distribution, with more players playing males than females, we could introduce benefits to playing a female which might lead to more female characters.

This would help ensure a good distribution of both, for the purpose of furthering bloodlines. Again though, nothing like that planned at this point. We'll know more after the early alpha/beta tests.

3/26/2016 12:43:00 AM #9

While I agree that we shouldn't give women the short end of the stick I don't believe that there can/should be a difference based on gender. With everything else being as realistic as possible it would go against the concept to not. We can do this without making men better than women by giving them more agility, flexibility, or intuition, because these are things women in generally have over men. So it is do able, if it will happen or not I can't say and I don't think anyone but developers can at the moment.

3/26/2016 12:44:35 AM #10

Welp of course Caspian comes in right before I finish typing, figures.

3/26/2016 2:58:33 AM #11

Thanks all :)

That poses another interesting fact having thought about it and reading opinions when it comes to continuing a family line.

I guess you wont really get a choice what gender you play in the next generation should your only offspring be female and you're not the kill your kids type. :p

3/26/2016 9:31:31 AM #12

What benefits may I ask?

I hope it is not arbiturious stat buffs, I think a softer approach in the form of adjusting the % chance of a newborn being a woman or a man if the world lacks men.

3/26/2016 2:57:23 PM #13

This sounds like the best option. Even if there are players who only play a specific sex, they might be forced to choose the other if their only heirs are such, especially if they are on equal stats grounds.

3/27/2016 2:13:48 PM #14

The issue is that the only way players can continue bloodlines is by other players. You can't marry NPC's. So simply having more female NPC's doesn't change the fact that players may just want to play men more.

I imagine it shouldn't be a problem...but if it is, they'd likely just need to give females some kind of advantage that makes sense...maybe NPC's are less likely to attack females, maybe they are less likely to take advantage of female characters in the market (such as raising prices a bit if you are new to their market thinking you don't know) and other things that happen in the real world that are positive for females in order to make it a bit of a better option. In the grand scheme, it's only helpful in the beginning for most...but it could help balance it.

3/27/2016 2:31:31 PM #15

Those types of advantages are more dependent on culture than gender and as such might be reversed in certain circumstances especially in a more low tech setting. However, if the physical power of women is the same as men (since Elyrians aren't humans in the strictest sense) then there would be less point in treating them differently, for instance, being less likely to attack them. Either way that kind of advantage doesn't seem like a reasonable option.
