In game accessibility options for people with disabilities?

Question 1: Can we select the quest text to copy it to post in a text to speech program... Ya some of us are disabled. It would be nice to have an in-game text to speech (TTS) option like many of the Ubisoft games uses windows TTS API. You could also add a speech to text (STT) The same as some Microsoft games and Ubisoft have in their game windows has an API for it too.

Question 2: Will there be any accessibility options for people with disabilities?

I think this would be important to have especially seeing as there's a lot of texting in this game. Also, the text is important for directions and would be good for the disabled people to be able to enjoy the hard work you put in the quest story. The STT would be good for people with disabilities so they can easily communicate with other players.

There is Able Gamers it's a charity that has over 50 years of gaming accessibility experience. They tend to be at game trade events. They help Independent game developers, as well as AAA development teams, find strategies to add accessibility options in games for children, adults and veterans with disabilities.

They also specialize in making gaming equipment for people with disabilities so they can also play video games. They have copies of Includification it is an award-winning, free 50 page guide to game accessibility guidelines showcasing best practices for game developers to create video games that are as accessible as possible. Using a three-tiered system of good, better and best, Includification describes the most common problems faced in videogames by those with disabilities and how to make sure everyone can access your game.

They also do consultations with game developers. They can offer free advice and Able Gamers can do an in-depth accessibility consultation with there accessibility experts probably with a fee.

I know that Pantheon has been in contact with Able Gamers to find strategies to add accessibility options for people with disabilities in their game. So I was wondering if Able Gamers can also help you guys out.

On their FAQ page, there is a section that can be interesting for you to look in to under Game Developers:

Well, hopefully this may help you add accessibility options in your game.

3/21/2020 6:32:00 AM #1

I can tell you that speech to text would be good for most people so fingers crossed!

3/21/2020 6:32:10 AM #2

I can tell you that speech to text would be good for most people so fingers crossed!