Easter Egg hunt is live!
"This category includes things like the number of families in the dynasty, the number of characters in the family, the wealth of the family, and it's social class."
Dynasties will be a combination of families! This means they will evolve and develop over time and get stronger, or weaker, over time.
"While it's great to have a large selection of families, you may have specific requirements for the family you want to join - and they may have requirements/expectations for you!"
Families will have expectations of players that join them. This means families may be able to disown people from the family, cutting ties from them!
"Every NPC in the game, children included, have a character code."
EVERY NPC IS A PLAYER(potentially)!! This means if someone gets a character code for a king they could become a king!
I'll quote quickly.
To give everyone a chance, I'll only try one shot at the egg.
That map in fig.1 shows only half of the world. At least that's how that kind of map usually works.
So, half of the world is known/charted, and the other half is open to adventurers/explorers. Maybe even circumnavigation will be possible.
1. Close it off. It will manifest as an NPC child in the world after about a month, and only you can possess its body at a later date. If you decide later to open it up or share its Child Code you can.
Children won't be seen in game until they are ~8 years old (32 RL days)
The family you select will also determine things like what type and how big your starting house is, and how much land your family has for farming, mining, breeding, and other land-based activities.
We know there will be sailing in CoE but the depth of it has never been discussed by the devs so is this hinting at there being a very in-depth water/sailing/etc system beyond the obvious transportation, fishing and such?
"Here is where you can filter for specific characteristics such as the gender, height, and hair, eye, or skin colors you want. Note that these, like most of the previous choices, are multiple select. So if you want to create a character with blue or green eyes, give those two a click. Now you'll limit your search to only those families which have children that could inherit green or blue eyes"
You can customize your character, but only within the genetic boundaries.
For example a characters family is 5'5 to 6'5 tall. so your slider only goes between those two lengths
WARNING: The above post may contain sarcasm and/or sophisticated satire. Any psychological damage sustained is purely your fault!
"As you can see in Figure 1, family selection is currently divided up into five categories. These include:
General Info
Wealth, Power & Standing
Physical Traits
General Info"
General info is two categories!! Sorry, this isnt an easter egg, but a typo.
Families that get powerful enough may become nobles and play the Dance of Dynasties - the process of arranged marriages, intrigue, assassinations, lies and manipulations necessary to work their way up in the governing system to become kings and queens.
Possiblly a power/fame system for families for things they've done and contributed.
Characters begin with a set of skills based on their family.
Family, not just parents so being born into a larger family gives you access to a wider array of skills.
@Deff General Info is one category in the pic.
Your family selection, through a combination of nature and nurture, dictates many of your character's starting attributes such as your starting ability scores, starting skills, and the possible set of physical attributes your character can have.
We know that skills are a soul thing. The souls we get have already some kills on them. So when you create a character the final set of skills are a mix between family and the soul.
"Don't want to risk permadeath by being "Heir to the Throne of Gondor" (not a real kingdom), this would be the category you'd be interested in."
Assassins can bypass the "normal" deaths and spirit walking. and permakill the target
WARNING: The above post may contain sarcasm and/or sophisticated satire. Any psychological damage sustained is purely your fault!
"Due to the way inheritance works, this option will likely be more commonly used for 2nd and 3rd children."
Seems as though primogeniture will be the most common way to inherit titles/items/land. So, if you were born as a second/third/fourth child you have extra incentive to have your siblings eliminated.
"Of course, you have the ability to change and develop these things as you play, but it is your family that dictates your starting scores."
So you'll be able to change your physical appearance depending on what you do, like become fat etc. It's just a guess though :9
Here are my choices for Easter egg.
You get a starting House. " he family you select will also determine things like what type and how big your starting house is... "
There is more than one Continent. " Family members on the same continent can send private messages to one another "
Since family can be on different continents there must be some form of travel between continents. Boats as previously talked about.
You need a child to inherit what your original character attains or achieves. "...Due to the way inheritance works, this option will likely be more commonly used for 2nd and 3rd children."
So there are my guesses at the easter egg. How far off am I this time.