Cinematic Trailer Idea

I was watching some of DM21's content on YouTube and during one of their videos, they discussed ideas for trailers. That got me inspired to submit my own. The overall theme I'm going for will be a life cycle with connected events. It might be long, but I think you'll like it.

(Open with white screen, whoosh sound effect, transition to crying baby)

(Camera flies out of house, quick flight through forest as seasons pass, soft music plays)

(Camera stops on now adolescent boy being taught to chop trees)

(Quick pan to another section of woods. Boy is now young man chopping tree unassisted)

(Another quick pan to now adult man with beard chopping wood. Stops to wipe brow. He looks at his cart full of logs)

(Camera flies to dirt road. Logger leads animal-driven to lumber mill in distance. Music intensifies)

(Camera flies to lumbermill. Logger drops off logs to woodworker)

(Quick pan to woodworker. Quick montage of pulping wood and making paper)

(Camera flies to nearby town and stops at storefront. Woodworker selling paper to vendor)

(Zoom in on hands to show exchange of coins)

(Zoom out to show hands belong to vendor and now cartographer buying paper)

(Camera flies over town to cartographer's house. Flies through open window. Cartographer drawing map. Camera zooms in on map)

(Camera zooms out. Cartographer holding map stands in wilderness near cave. He points toward the cave. Armored champion and other party members run in)

(Camera follows party into blackness)

(Words appear) Every action...An impact. (Words fade)

(Camera fades into battle in progress. Party fighting Lich/Evil creature. Music intensifies)

(Camera focuses tightly on Champion fighting closely with creature. Out of frame sound of weapon/claw rending flesh/blood sound. Music stops. Champion face is shocked. He falls to ground. Fade to black)

(Words appear) Every decision...A consequence (Words fade)

(Fade into Champion face. Eyes open and he gasps. Zoom out and pan to show Astral Plane. Angelic music plays)

(Champion gets up and notices cord leading to body. Drums begin to play as he sprints, following the cord and vaulting over roots and medium rocks. Body comes into view. Champion leaps into body as screens goes to white, whoosh sound)

(Fade into showing Champion lying on ground as party member administers first aid. Muffled battle sounds. Champion's eye flash open and he gasps. Battle music starts again. He looks toward other party members fighting creature. It's back is turned. Champion grabs sword and gets up. He charges the creature with a yell and impales it. Camera pans up as creature howls in pain and fades to white)

(Camera fades in and pans down to show crowded castle hall. People cheer and trumpets play. Pan to champion on bended knee. King puts medallion around hero's neck)

(Pan away as camera zooms through several corridors. Medium intensity music continues. Stops on King now in war room with armored guards. They encircle a large table with large map. King points at several guards and then at part of map. Camera zooms in on King's finger and area where he is pointing)

(Focus on crudely drawn wooded area. Drawn forest transition to real overview of forest. Camera flies to a road cutting through the forest and stops on several guards on patrol. They notice a familiar logger and wave.)

(Camera focuses on logger and he returns the wave. Music slows. Zoom out to child running up to logger. He picks up boy)

(Pan through woods once more. Logger teaching son to chop wood. Logger now has grey hair)

(Pan through woods to show now adult child chopping alone. He stops and looks at nearby cabin. Camera flies through cabin window. It stops on old logger in bed. He looks frail. Elderly wife is by his side. He smiles and nods to his wife. Wife tries to hold back tears. Camera slowly zooms in on logger and he lays back and closes eyes. Fade to black. Exhale sound)

(Words appear) Every death...New life

(Quick fade in to logger's body as soul leaves body. Angelic music plays and bluish soul slowly drifts up. Music suddenly intensifies as soul speeds through the wall. Camera follows and soul rapidly flies over forest, rivers, plains, ocean. Flies to new continent and flies over desert. Small village appears in the distance. Soul flies low and fast through street and notices young (12ish) girl. It flies into her body and the camera quickfades to white. Music stops. Inhale sound.

(Title appears as game theme plays) Chronicles of Elyria

(Words appear below title) Death is only the beginning.

And scene! I hope you made it all the way to the end. It was hard to put my thoughts down, but I think it's conveyed well enough. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Thanks to the devs on their work thusfar and I look forward to living my own journeys in the years to come.

"Lux est Lex"

2/23/2016 11:27:50 AM #1

Seems to be a fairly good concept as such, showing the circle of life as well as the different roles within CoE. The screen transitions are fairly well done from my point of view, foreshadowing the next scenes that are to come.

Maybe they devs can make it, or perhaps talented fans could do it while the devs make the game?

2/23/2016 6:54:17 PM #2

Glad you liked it. My hope is that the developers make something similar. The game is so content rich, it's hard to pick what details to highlight. This does a decent job of hitting a lot of points that might interest new players in my opinion. We'll all just have to wait and see though...

"Lux est Lex"

2/23/2016 7:00:04 PM #3

I must applaud you. You were actually able to take me on a journey with this written trailer. Can't imagine what it'd feel like if it was video. The fun thing is, I think doing something like this is not that much work when the game is further into development. It's mostly gameplay (which is great, we don't want those weird WoW-trailers).

“Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it. How should I look today, in the presence of you, dividing, and subdividing a discourse, to show that men have a natural right to freedom? To do so, would be to make myself ridiculous, and to offer an insult to your understanding.” - Paul Gilroy

2/23/2016 7:11:17 PM #4

Thank you very much. I tried to write it like a storyboard. So whenever the team sits down to make a legit trailer, they're not completely starting from scratch if they decide to reference this post (that would be super awesome if they did!). Great quote too, by the way.

"Lux est Lex"