Military/Army/Guards guild

I'm not personally one who would want to join it, I want to be more of a animal breeder but I could even be a breeder for them to have attack wolfs or something like that but are the any military type guilds, like the army or guards whatever you want to call them, if not I think it would be good to have a guild like that for the people, just like the police irl to stop crimes and also make them stop doing crimes knowing the Guards are close, then there could be ranks in it like Corporal,Lieutenant and detective (a mixture of army and police ranks) so you'd want to work your way up, just a thought if no one has thought of making one of those yet. Or does the game automatically have a military based job, just curious?!

12/12/2015 3:37:06 PM #1

Join the Kingdom of Zygethia we will need people to breed agricultural animals (pigs, sheep, cattle, horses) etc...

The link is in my signature.

12/12/2015 3:51:04 PM #2

Id be happy to join if you need me as a breeder:)

12/12/2015 3:53:29 PM #3

Eards, your best bet to become one of those professions early on is to join a nation, or an organization, however what nation/organization you join will dictate and shape your future. Best wishes with whomever you join.

Edit: Didn't even finish my post before you recruited him Zultra. GG.

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12/12/2015 3:58:54 PM #4

If there is any guild out there that will help me on my first steps of becoming a breeder because that's all I want to be I would happily dedicate myself to their cause:)

12/12/2015 5:45:01 PM #5

The Fennec Academy would love to help you in your steps to becoming a tamer. Even if you join another by helping you we can learn more about the steps which our guild is all about.

12/12/2015 7:20:09 PM #6

That would be amazing, sorry I've decided to join another guild but if you could help it'd be a win win for us both if you want to learn as well

2/8/2016 3:57:44 AM #7

you should join empire of xellion check them out in guild recruitment

2/8/2016 1:59:47 PM #8

Helgrim has an entire division of guards to protect our caravans and assets. I could get you in touch with our captain of the guard if you want some extended protection if you agree to supply to us.

Also just realized this post is 2 months old.

10/13/2016 6:20:25 PM #9

House of Randolph will need a breeders because our main animals for Military and pets would be wolves , so you are more welcome to PM for more information

I am lookig for business partners and welcome any ideas

Discord: devislayer#9703