How Many Successful Assassination Attempts Can a King Withstand?

In game of course. If you are the king and you get killed, how many times can you get killed before your spirit is reduced to 0? (Or however death works.) Obviously the multiplier is huge, but I'm curious due to the fact that a king getting assassinated could cause insanity within a kingdom. Would like to see that in-game.

Hi, I'm Fog

I like many things

12/7/2016 7:14:53 PM #1

my understanding is that currently it would be approx 4-5 deaths involving coup-de-gras to ensure a monarch's permadeath

12/7/2016 7:27:09 PM #2

and depends on how old he actually is. each cdg cuts off lifetime from the end of the kings life. if he is very young, he may survive 6 kills. if he is already old, one kill may mean permadeath.

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12/9/2016 12:55:49 PM #3

Thank you guys.

Hi, I'm Fog

I like many things

12/9/2016 1:10:42 PM #4

to offset this monarchs get story points faster, story points can be used to buy another spark of life. so the higher somebody is in noblity the more story points they get becasue their deaths take more time off their lifespan

12/9/2016 1:29:22 PM #5

If I remember right one CDG = 2 days right? king is x32. King CDG = 64 days.

365.4 days / 64 days = ~5. With family bonuses and a wife (queen) this will prolly be more like 6 to kill a king. Of course this is for a fresh king. A king character that is like 60 years old might only live thru 1 or 2.

I don't know anymore.

12/9/2016 1:58:02 PM #6

And the killer when caught would take a 128 day penalty then. So you better get paid a ton if you want to go king killing.

12/13/2016 8:29:51 AM #7

As few as one, as many as six (or so). Spirit walking is a mechanic with a few contributing factors that can affect things, one of which being how well or badly the player navigates the spirit realm.

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