[NA-E] Town of Norrhaven

About Norrhaven

Norrhaven is a town in the County of Delgora, under the Duchy of The Rhinelands, in the Kingdom of Vornair (Luna NA-E).

Kingdom of Vornair CoE Post

County of Delgora CoE Post


Norrhaven. Dark… Cold.

The Brudvir’s herd graze at night on the fallow Starberry fields. A sure treat for the Dryas Elk that subsist on pine needle branches during the Longest Night. The Brudvir keep to themselves; Soldiers stand watch. Soon the herd will drive east to Oxton. The strongest Dryas will be tamed and bred; The rest sold to slaughter.

Chants of the Virtori priests carry through the still air. Their vespers a midnight blessing and call to virtue. It is summer solstice; A time of peace, hope, and love.

The city delving is part of a vast unexplored series of karst caves that formed long before the Children of Mann; That’s what the engineers tell us. Neran and Hrothi architecture above the surface combine together harmonious curves that flow up octogonal towers. The areas below serve Hrothi delving life that’s brimming with activity.

They say something was found down there. Whatever it is has the Dungeoneers working day and night! Some say an aquifer was found. Others, a vast cavern of gems, crystals, and minerals. Some have overheard the priests whispering of ancient texts scrawled in an unknown mystical language. Which are rumors and which are true? Will you be one of the lucky ones to find their fortune? Come and see.


1/4/2017 2:39:24 PM #1

Happy to have you on board :)

5/20/2017 1:41:51 AM #2

Villager token request:

Donation Account: Cloudstrike

Donate to the Norrhaven because we are committed to building positive experiences for anyone who wishes to contribute to the community.


5/27/2017 2:07:09 AM #3

Please move to Luna Domain
