[NA-E] The Sanguine Region

The Sanguine Region

Three Unified Counties

The Sanguine Region is a coalition of three counties-- Sanguine, Osage, and Ravar-- located in the King’s Duchy, the Rhynelands, in the heart of the Kingdom of Vornair [NA-E]. High Thane Glocke Rhyne of Sanguine presides over the region as a representative head, but Thanes Melrakki Rhyne of Osage and Von Rhyneborough of Ravar govern their respective counties independently. The three counties are committed to a close economic, military, and cultural relationship, providing myriad opportunities for citizens of diverse walks of life. Despite the specific interests and projects of the thanes (counts), the Sanguine Region promotes equanimity in its pluralism. We welcome those who wish to pursue various walks of life-- religions, careers, and the like; harboring the fundamental understanding that a commitment to inclusivity promotes a more interesting and fun environment to explore and play in.

Below you will find specific information on the Sanguine Region, its three counties, and what some of the citizens are already planning and pursuing. Please bear in mind that these plans are contingent on a number of unknown factors: land selection, specific features of the game yet unknown such as details regarding specific skills and professions, etc. Please also keep in mind that these details are not exhaustive. Given the amount of land available, we have plenty of room for further mayors, barons, and citizens to take up space and utilize our region’s resources to further their endeavors.

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The Sanguine Region Discord

Kingdom of Vornair

2/6/2017 8:05:30 PM #1

The High Council

The high council is a group of individuals from the nobility and the common folk alike who have been selected and agreed upon by the Thanes to take up responsibilities surrounding the maintenance and well-being of the Sanguine Region or one or more of the individual counties. While their roles vary, they will aid the Thanes in overseeing the business of the region: promoting trade, managing the region’s infrastructure, aiding the Thanes in their governing duties, ensuring peace, and resolving disputes.


County of Sanguine - Alaron County of Osage - Cathisar County of Ravar - Malek

Minister of Finance

Melrakki Rhyne

Minister of Agriculture

Count von Rhyneborough (a.k.a. Reptar)

Minister of Trade


Minister of Health


Minister of Defense


Chief Justice


Chief Assessor


Chancellor and Chief Scribe

Abelard Farrant

Chief of Staff


2/6/2017 8:05:33 PM #2

Sanguine County

Towns, Cities, and People

The Capital: Glockenturm


High Thane 'Doc' Glocke Rhyne

Abelard Farrant




Elden Hollow


Mayor Dreyden Blackwell

Aubrea U'ruarc

Malicai Lang

McOwnage [name TBD]

Alaron's Town [Name TBD]


None yet.

2/6/2017 8:05:36 PM #3

Ravar County

Towns, Cities, and People

The Capital: Foxdale


Thane Melrakki Rhyne

2/6/2017 8:05:39 PM #4

Osage County

Towns, Cities, and People

The Capital: [Name TBD]


Thane von Rhynborough



2/6/2017 8:05:43 PM #5

Institutions and Organizations

Vorn Academy [Official Name TBD]

Location: Glockenturm, County of Sanguine

Leader: Doc Glocke

Vorn Academy Discord

Vorn Medical School [Official Name TBD]

Location: Glockenturm, County of Sanguine

Leader: Drefan and Doc Glocke

More information

The Sanguine Scriptorium and Scribe's Association

Location: Vorn Academy, Glockenturm, County of Sanguine

Leader: Abelard Farrant

Scribe's Association Discord

The Elden Hollow Apothecary

Location: Elden Hollow, County of Sanguine

Leader: Dreyden Blackwell

Elden Hollow Apothecary Discord

Animal Husbandry Association

Location: TBD

Leader: Sapphira

The Kaupmadr: Association of Traders and Merchants

Location: Glockenturm, County of Sanguine

Leader: Nurarihyon

Kaupmadr Discord

2/6/2017 8:05:46 PM #6

2/6/2017 9:04:40 PM #7

Thank you Abelard

Looks good :)

2/7/2017 12:03:14 AM #8

Nice work guys!

2/7/2017 10:20:18 PM #9

Thanks! More info/detail to come!

Feel free to come join us on Discord!