Account Security

I did a quick browse through the Forum and a quick search through the top tab search and have not found what I believe is a necessary thread. Account Security in the form of a 'security key', mobile app or physical.

With all the flow of money and time that we will input into this game I feel quite a bit insecure about not having such an extra form of security guarding my account.

If this has appeared in another thread earlier please link it or reference a CoE informative resource.

Thank you and the community appreciates any valuable information provided toward our concerns.

Edit: An unanswered thread.

An Informative thread

"...When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." ~Chief Tecumseh

2/26/2017 11:56:34 PM #1

I agree, would definitely make me feel much safer with my transactions, then again I am also clueless to how hard it would be for them to add it in pre-launch.

Kingdom: Alesia
Duchy: Rhyddid
County: Draken's Landing
Settlement: Drakenshire

2/27/2017 12:12:09 AM #2

Yes 2FA should be an option at minimum wherever large amounts of time and/or money are invested in an account.

2/27/2017 2:20:19 AM #3

Two-Factor Authentication is something we will be adding in the future for people who desire a second level of protection.

But keep in mind, your CoE account isn't tied from our end to the transactions you make with Xsolla. It's tied from their end. Meaning, even if someone were to hack your account here on the CoE website and do all sorts of malicious stuff, all of your private, personal information, as well as the records of all your transactions are hosted on a separate, secure system and aren't accessible from this website.

However, the security of your account, and the protection of your password is still your responsibility. Always keep your password private, and don't enter it into insecure public computers where key loggers or other tools could be running which may attempt to capture your password. Stay web-safe.

2/27/2017 1:44:33 PM #4

Thanks Caspian, that is a good reply.

2/27/2017 8:00:28 PM #5

Yes sounds good. I'm not so worried about payment transactions, but with a game like this there's an unusual amount of valued tied to the account itself - potentially hundreds of hours of time and hundreds/thousands of $.

This is quite different to other accounts even ones we consider important - you can't un-buy things I already got from Amazon, but you can potentially ruin everything I ever paid for and everything I ever did in Elyria.

I should think 2FA will pay for itself in reduced support tickets for compromised accounts.

3/2/2017 9:20:39 AM #6

U2F would be epic!

1/9/2018 10:00:45 AM #7

a suggestion for 2FA would be an app for your phone or tablet that says, did you attempt to log in - authenticate? yes - no. if you hit yes, then you're in the game, if you hit no, not only do you not get in, you know you should change your password. not trying to compare this game to wow or swtor, but both of those games have 2FA, and both use either a code authenticator or an approve - disapprove authenticator (both in the case of WoW).... as someone who had everything they owned in Ultima Online stolen, this is a big deal for me, and probably for most people to know that if i get a virus, or anything on my computer, my hard earned money and time invested in this game isn't going to be stolen by someone else (at least not outside of the game mechanics).

Honor is a fool’s prize, Glory is of no use to the dead.

1/9/2018 10:59:35 AM #8

Silus, did you really have to necro two very old threads? More so saying basically the same thing. Here is hoping some mod locks both of them.

1/9/2018 12:11:04 PM #9

This thread is now locked.