I also love greek mythology. Im more into classic fantasy, with magic, dragons, and other mythical races. Nothing bright and happy like rainbow unicorns. The first real book I ever read was Darth Bane, after previously hating books, and that really got me into fantasy. After that I started reading all highly acclaimed fantasy i could get my hands on, and even some of the lesser known novels. I started my fantasy journey with harry potter, and eragon, these kinds of children's fantasies, and moved up from there, eventually reading my 2 favorite book series ever, The Wheel of Time and The Sword of Truth. Unfortunately I haven't found many games that fit with my view of what fantasy should be, and one of the closest games i could find was Skyrim. I do enjoy games like Titan Quest, which plays off my love of greek mythos, and Grim Dawn, a dark and dreary steampunk/magic world.