Ability to drag/move carcasses?

As all characters need to eat and drink. Should I be a hunter of wild animals and such, will I be able to move a larger carcass closer to my camp/house via a cart or simply pulling it?

Also, will a corpse attract predatory animals? If so, is the same true for human bodies?

3/28/2017 10:59:55 PM #1

I am currently in a game that seems to be along similar lines of CoE and you can both carry and transport via cart to a nearby camp. I would assume that this would be the same for CoE!

The attracting wild animals seems to be more of a CoE mechanic, especially if the carnivorous animals around you are low in their hunger bar. Can't wait to see how they implement it.

3/29/2017 1:41:04 AM #2

I do hope so. As it would add depth.

I also hope that smaller carts are available to pull by hand. You know, for things such as vegetables, fire wood and smaller game.

There are many things that were simple but very effective in adding depth, in other games that predate most all mmos. Most of the mechanics like corpse dragging, I relate to EQ1. A staple to any 3d mmo. Oh, those were the days...

3/29/2017 2:01:33 AM #3

I would think so becauE I'm pretty sure that's how they said taming would work. I.E. knocking out a animal then transporting it and taming it at a new location (probably wherever your living atm).

It would be very impractical trying to tame an animal in the middle of its home habitat imo. In and out of game. Out of game because training and trying to exert dominance in an animal's home territory is not really a good idea for multiple reasons and in-game because of survival mechanics, other predators, other players, time exposed in the wild.

Edit: While you weren't talking about taming. If you can move a knocked out animal you can at least knock an animal out, move it, then kill it as a hunter.

I don't know anymore.

3/29/2017 2:20:24 AM #4

With logic in mind, that seems to answer my question. I guess its clear my intended role is a wanderer, hunter type. More of a creature lore kind of huntsman. Speaking of that, do we know if they will have creature lore type of skill?

4/5/2017 4:00:42 AM #5

I'm reminded of that scene from "Into the Wild" where he thinks he has the wherewithal to kill, butcher, and preserve a moose before the carcass is claimed by nature. Boy was he wrong.

If it's too big to lift single-handed, then you'd better cook it where it Or hunt it with a party to begin with. If it weighs just enough for you to drag it, it better be to somewhere close by.

Not sure if the developers are thinking this detailed about hunting, but I think that realism does justice to game immersion. Role playing hunter cultures by their ethics makes sense to me. The ways rural culture differs between regions, not just urban, could be a great expression of the game's scope. Hunting morays go straight to the heart of the matter. Visceral to players. Another thread for skilled trackers to glean information about the people in the area.

Good delineations for advanced Survival skills--hunting big game singlehandedly without it going to waste...or perhaps skill levels in Butchery are measured by how much meat you can preserve for use within a given time frame? How efficiently you can convert animal weight into food weight? Hide quantity. Etc.


4/5/2017 6:34:33 AM #6

That would be a pretty cool mechanic, but to make it more realistic it would probably slow your movement down a bit.

Live Life To The Mediocre.

4/5/2017 6:54:26 AM #7

As long as it doesnt include human "corpses" otherwise I'm 100% sure there will be issues ie being coup de graced, body being dragged off into a fort, camping etc.

4/5/2017 8:18:32 AM #8

being able to drag, bind, and transport knocked out victims i'm sure that corpses would be similar. unless tehy are needed for the person to res, so my question is if you are dead, will your corpse dissapear once you are alive? could keep my own corpses in a dungeon?