About families and insta-griefing

As is stated in anything involving this game, realism is at the forefront of development. This is done to a downright cruel level with every map requiring hand-drawing, and the good ones requiring knowledge of cartography as well. With all this realism, I can't help but wonder something, and it's been weighing on me since I found out about this game this morning: if someone kills my family before they kill me, and end my bloodline, do I have to start all the way over, as opposed to just picking up as a child or relative of my character?

“Most have been forgotten. Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best. The best and the worst. And a few who were a bit of both.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

4/5/2017 1:41:42 AM #1

How would you pick up as your character's child or relative if they've been killed? :/

4/5/2017 1:51:13 AM #2

That's my point. If someone kills my character's family, then kills my character, I have no one to pick up as. What happens then?

“Most have been forgotten. Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best. The best and the worst. And a few who were a bit of both.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

4/5/2017 1:51:54 AM #3

First off, welcome to the CoE Community...

Death is handled a little different in CoE that in other games. Many think this may be a perma death game and it's really not. Death takes 3 forms, from bring knocked unconscious, to coupe de grace, then perma death. You have a fixed amount of spirit and if someone does a coupe de grace then you will loose spirit depending upon the number of deaths and your fame. When your spirit is nill then that would be a perma death requiring a new spark of life to continue.

If you married another player then the wife's character will have the 3 forms of death just like you and would likely not suffer a instant perma death. As for as your children, they can not be killed till they come of age, then they are very vulnerable.

Now if your wife is a NPC and someone goes on a killing spree then you will loose your family (kids can not be killed at present). So if that was to happen you will survive through being knocked unconscious or a coupe de grace however your adult family would be dead. As in real life you may have to find a new wife and have new heirs if all the family is adult. However your Character will still be alive and you can rewrite your Will to address your new family and situation.

Now as for an adult family they may not all be under the same roof. When your children came of age they found a wife of their own and moved out to start their own life. These characters can be utilized if you find yourself in a perma death for some reason, just take over your child and have a new wife.

While finding a spouse would be a pain in the butt to do, starting a new family I don't feel would be that hard of a problem, it just may make you a older parent which would result in a younger character when you take them over.

"Count Eldric Blackmoore of The Haven, offering direct support for the Hunters, Explorers and Gathers of Elyria" the

4/5/2017 1:54:39 AM #4

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for clarifying for me, it's been bugging me all day not knowing lol

“Most have been forgotten. Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best. The best and the worst. And a few who were a bit of both.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows