Greetings from The Gardens

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It's a pleasure to meet you

A sullen man drifts alone in an extraordinary garden; and yet, he is surrounded by crowds visiting, laughing, talking.

How can this man be alone with so many around him? Who is this man? Where does he come from?

This is the story I wish to tell.

The man started as a boy, as all do. His name was rather befitting of a female, but he did not quarrel, for it was not his way.

His parents were worried.

Will this boy truly bring us honor?

Abuse was hurled at the boy, day after day he was ridiculed for being a quiet boy, one that did not wish for greatness. But the boy never struck back, for that was not his way. Instead, he bore an evil inside him, one that would protect him from all things damaging. At the time, he did not know it, but this evil would work in tandem with his good, bringing a balance to the man.

At ten, his parents no longer wished to care for him. What good is a boy that does not bring us honor and wealth?

Over the years, the boy had fed the evil inside of him. The good was starving, and the evil took a form. Plopped onto a battlefield one day, the boy was overtaken by evil.

This is not me. It's taking over. Help me, please, someone, anyone!

... But no one came.

Cutting down all those who opposed him in battle, the boy fed his evil more and more each day. The words of his superiors meant nothing to him, he wished only to see the light again.

One day, he was given relief. Followers of the TwoFold Goddess visited the war-front to speak of their word.

The good and evil must be fed in balance; for if one is fed and the other left to starve, it will eventually die.

This struck deep in the boy; he had been fearful for quite some time that he would never see the light again. The followers were sentenced to death the next morning, but the boy made his mind up. He helped them escape and traveled with them.

Years passed. The boy became a man. He had seen Death, assisted him in many tasks, but he sought the advice of Life in equal measure. He had greatly enjoyed traveling with the followers of the Goddess, but he knew it was his time to settle and spread the word.

Finding a large continent of land, the man began to build. First a house, and then a garden. As time went by, the hamlet became a village, the village became a town.

The man did not stop, build it and they will come.

Many came and went. Friendships were formed, every so often an enemy was made. But the man never gave up.

For that was not his way.

A sullen man drifts alone in an extraordinary garden; and yet, he is surrounded by crowds visiting, laughing, talking.

How can this man be alone with so many around him?

The man surrounds himself with people, and yet he must distance himself from them in equal measure.

For balance is his way

My name is Li-Wei, and while I am a very withdrawn man, I wish to build a future that we are all proud of. The Sovereignty of Seidrellia was formed on friendships and unity, and that is how it shall always be.

Come, step aside for a moment. Let us speak and make good conversation.

Forever yours, I wish to walk the path of enlightenment with you,

Li-Wei the Sage

Duke of Enlightenment to the Sovereignty of Seidrellia

Through Unity we gain Freedom

4/16/2017 5:23:53 AM #1

My Lord Li-Wei, this is a great post.

4/16/2017 5:42:55 AM #2

I am certain hand in hand we shall thrive.

4/16/2017 5:18:50 PM #3

Thank you Serafeim. :)

Darling husband, I look forward to working with you and Duchess Malthyra to bring unity to our lands.