Magic Abilities Limited?

I was reading the Combat and Magic page and I saw something about there being only 5% of players affected by the magic. Now does that mean like some will witness that magic or some will obtain that magic and have a sort of upper hand? Im really curious as to how that will be what do you guys think?

Sir Asarith

4/22/2017 9:47:03 PM #1

Welcome to Chronicles of Elyira ( Coe ), RejectedGmer. I hope you have had a great experience so far and continue to do so.

Magic in Coe has been made very limited but they have very valid reason for doing so. The developers wish for a world where magic is something very rare and if witnessed, one should be very surprised.

Talents are limited to a single body/life. There will be events which you have to go through if you wish to 'activate' such abilities. Acquiring talents will be hard but that is only so that the players gains a sense of achievement.

4/22/2017 9:47:41 PM #2

The more correct way of saying that is that 5% of the player base has a chance to get a talent, one of those talents being magic, making it more rare than you think it is.

And I'll be honest with myself, I do want magic, I really damn do. But making it hard to get based on pure luck would make it more powerful, and give it purpose more than any other game I can think of on the fly.

Though I remember Caspian saying that talents will have drawbacks, so much so that if you had a choice you wouldn't want a talent at all.

4/22/2017 10:49:07 PM #3

5% of people will have a talent. Of those magic is only one of the talents they might get. Of those some may never learn they have the talent or never harness it.

Of those who do get a talent, and do get magic, and do harness it, (my guess is that) their type of magic may not be useful in one on one combat.

So all that said if you do find yourself fighting someone who has a talent for combat magic and knows how to use it, I'm thinking you could be in for a bad day!

4/22/2017 11:57:11 PM #4

Basically treat coming across a wizard in CoE similar to coming across Gandalf or the other Istari in Middle Earth, it'll be a pretty epic and printscreen-able moment. :)

(Also run for you life if they're aggressive)