Another Topic about Magic...

So, I read another Topic about Magic again. In this is explained how possible the possiblity is to be able to get/use magic. In the end we know that the possibility is really low and if u are able to use magic that there could be a backslash.

But now my question: How capable is magic? What can be done with it? Is it strong enough to fight about 50 player at once or is the backslash too worse to use the magic? What kinds of magic will there?

I'd prefer if you are having some examples.


Not my Title but my Actions tell who I am...

4/27/2017 8:12:03 PM #1


Have a question for you, who would you tell if you had magic? I do not think I would trust to many people with this secret, and would feel like the Salem witch hunt would show up and burn me at the stake. Unless you could get the protection from a king/queen/duke/duchess, I would be worried who to trust with this information and would my family be in danger?

I heard them mention fireballs from the sky in a Q&A, but nothing on how strong that would be.

4/27/2017 8:14:17 PM #2

Well the general feeling I got from the Q&As and Journals and such is that Magic is supposed to be as powerful as it is rare.

As far as I know, that is basically all that has been said about Magic.

So I have a thing now! 📣Also this is my signature until Sieraen gives me one. 🤷1 Like 👍 = 1 Prayer 🙏

4/27/2017 8:16:04 PM #3

Posted By Iccubus at 4:12 PM - Thu Apr 27 2017


Have a question for you, who would you tell if you had magic? I do not think I would trust to many people with this secret, and would feel like the Salem witch hunt would show up and burn me at the stake. Unless you could get the protection from a king/queen/duke/duchess, I would be worried who to trust with this information and would my family be in danger?

Bingo. I intend to hunt Magic users for the glory of RP.

But I don't think it would be that hard for a Magic user to get the protection of the King/Queen, considering how powerful an asset they can be.

So I have a thing now! 📣Also this is my signature until Sieraen gives me one. 🤷1 Like 👍 = 1 Prayer 🙏

4/27/2017 8:50:28 PM #4

If this concept art is anything to go off, it'll be pretty powerful. :)

4/27/2017 9:00:07 PM #5

Yea that's scary

4/27/2017 9:31:14 PM #6

Posted By Apaukolypse at 4:16 PM - Thu Apr 27 2017

Posted By Iccubus at 4:12 PM - Thu Apr 27 2017


Have a question for you, who would you tell if you had magic? I do not think I would trust to many people with this secret, and would feel like the Salem witch hunt would show up and burn me at the stake. Unless you could get the protection from a king/queen/duke/duchess, I would be worried who to trust with this information and would my family be in danger?

Bingo. I intend to hunt Magic users for the glory of RP.

But I don't think it would be that hard for a Magic user to get the protection of the King/Queen, considering how powerful an asset they can be.

Reminder if I get Magic, do not tell Apaukolypse!!!

4/27/2017 10:20:19 PM #7

As far as that image goes, I think people could be reading too much into it. Maybe the guy is a charlatan... who is to say he's not an astronomer who saw the approaching meteor and threatened to destroy the city if they didn't pay him 1 million gold coins?

Kind of like the real life stories of people knowing when an eclipse was going to happen and telling villagers they were going to blot out the sun.

Also, that image might be from far in Elyria's past and not be a direct correlation to how powerful magic (if it even exists) will be in the current days.

4/30/2017 4:06:03 PM #8

Posted By Barghest at 4:50 PM - Thu Apr 27 2017

If this concept art is anything to go off, it'll be pretty powerful. :)

The Charge Time for that must be ridiculous though lol.

- Shmuck

5/1/2017 12:42:44 PM #9

I believe magic to be rare and you would have to expend your spirit essence (replaces mana) in order to cast.

You cast a HUGE spell, like "Meteor Shower," but then end up dying right afterwards due to the sheer volume of spirit essence needed.

A mage in this world would prob minimally use his magic, but in large bursts (during wars most likely). My reasoning is that you wouldn't want to use spirit essence unnecessarily, but, if backed into a corner, you would do whatever is necessary.

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