Items and Succession

Hello there, a bit new to the CoE forums, and I am enjoying how this game looks and will probably be going to be an amazing Warrior when this game comes out! But anyway, I was sort of wondering, what happens to items if someone dies of old age? Would the items be heir-loomed to the family? Or would it go down to the successor, or possibly even a 'Will' system in this game? Just some idle thoughts I've had while looking into the game. This could have already been brought up, and if it has, I wouldn't mind a link.

5/5/2017 5:53:40 AM #1


You should research a bit (DJ and forum threads), there are plenty of good, more detailed, information and discussions about this subject. Basically, if you die of old age and have an heir they will inherit your belongings and titles and you will be able to play with them in your next life. Your successor can be an open NPC from your bloodline or an NPC you have a code for.

Again, a quick wiki/forum/DJ search will provide you more than that regarding family, death, contracts, etc. You can also find good videos about it on YouTube. Take a look =)

5/5/2017 5:17:12 PM #2

Thank you for the information. After digging in a bit more I did find it. I probably just didn't look in the right places is all. Thanks.