Ward of the Forest

Family, it holds so much meaning, power and motivation. People are lucky to have these bloodlines that stick so close, blood that could clot even the mightiest of rivers. Although, there are the few that never know what this is like early in their life. Why has life chosen them to be without, who knows. One thing is for certain, it didn't stop one from dreaming of carving his own mark on the world, but, how would he get there? Not by sitting in an orphanage, no. That would not do...

Fortune favors the bold, or was it old? The boy could not remember much, not being the brightest, but he knew that nothing would come out of staying in the Orphanage, seeing heroes rise and legends born. The forest seems to hold much challenge for a boy. Strong vines, low hanging branches and rough bark to test your might.

To the boy, getting lost was a weakness. If one was lost, then they could never have the upper hand. So, what does the boy do? Well, he sorta get's lost... Having to learn from what was spoken from stories. Fire, food, water... Just in general survive.

Splinters, blisters and bled knuckles, the boy was always found before he could get himself into more harm. But it seemed the forest called to him, wanting to learn more of the secrets that it holds and what may lie just past the next thicket...

The child sits at a table, the Orphanage having another adoption fair. Covered in bruises, and bandages, he still stays strong, with development of muscle and a bit of a hardened look in his eyes already. He was sure that none of the adults would want him, and he was right.

Back to the forests, and soon seeming to learn more and more as more stories is shared with him... bow and arrow in hand, hatchet on his side. What would this bring the boy? He wished for mysteries to reveal before him, and for his own mark to be put on the world, but what does it take to do so...? Who knows, but for now, it was survival of the fittest, listening to the wildlife around him. Douglas was soon nicknamed, 'The Ward of the Forest' before long...